Year 3 Science
Today in year 3 we became ‘brilliant botanists’. We worked in small groups to dissect a flowering plant, identifying the different parts.
Take a look at us in action…
Today in year 3 we became ‘brilliant botanists’. We worked in small groups to dissect a flowering plant, identifying the different parts.
Take a look at us in action…
This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Spencer King, you have been amazing this week using a number line in maths-well done, Spencer! Ronnie Green, you were able to name the parts of a plant-well done, Ronnie! Amber-Rae Bell, you have used the RWI rhymes to form your letters beautifully-well done, Amber-Rae! Year 2: Jeffrey Hunokoe, you have had such a
Year 4 have had a great time this afternoon as we received our attendance treat! The children really enjoyed their hot chocolate and biscuits.
Thank you Mr Robson
The Daily Mile is celebrating 10 years today and we have had a great time getting our steps in today! Year 4 ran, jogged and walked around our school yard 7 times to complete a whole mile.
The last week of the spring term was amazing! We had a whole school Easter fair and lots of fun activities!
We teamed up with members of the SARA project to clean up the area!
Year 4 have won the attendance prize for the 2nd week running. Class 10 won last week and then Class 11 won this week.
We are all looking forward to our hot chocolate treat next week
We have been having a great week in Year 4!
Not only did Class 11 win the ‘Accelerated Reader Group of the Week’ after reading 34 books altogether but Bryony Anderson won ‘Accelerated Reader Star of the Week’ because she read 8 whole books in 1 week!
Well done Bryony!