Thus week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Kye McCully, your writing was amazing when we were learning about beach safety-well done! Year 2: Bella Stead, you used some amazing conjunctions when building sentences for our explanation-well done! Lucas Jones, you are a little star as you always try your best and are so caring-well done! Chijioke Nnaji, you have been a
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This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Noah Petchy, fabtastic effort learning your new phonemes this week and applying these when reading-well done! Jacob Dixon, you have communicated your wants and needs clearly this week-well done! Year 2: Madison-Rose Hall, you have had such a lovely week and have tried so hard in all of your subjects-well done! Ella Osho, you
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Year 3 have had an amazing day visiting Washington Wetlands Centre! We had the opportunity to see a huge variety of birds and other wildlife whilst also taking part in some fun and informative outdoor activities. Some of saw squirrels for the first time and absolutely loved watching the animals in their natural habitats.
As usual, the children were a credit to the school as their behaviour was fantastic and they had some great questions for the staff at the centre. The staff at Washington Wetlands Centre were really impressed!
Take a look at some of our photographs from the day.
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Ashleigh came in today to teach us how to play tennis. We learned all about controlling the ball and holding the racket correctly. Then we rallied the ball to each other showing all of the skills we’d learned. 8 of us were then cosen to represent our school next week but we were all absolutely amazing!
This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Oliver Spurs, your art work of ‘Two Crabs’ in the style of Vincent Van Gogh was amazing-well done! Emily Nguyen, your art work was also incredible and you have an excellent eye for detail-well done! Year 2: Charlie Edmonds, you are growing in confdence and shining every day-we are so proud of you! Rocco
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Year 3 have been learning all about light in Science. Today, we learned about how an opaque object can block light and cause a shadow.
We had lots of fun designing and making our very own shadow puppets and creating different size shadows with them.
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This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Melvin Alabi, your confidence is growing and you are building some lovely friendships-well done! Halle Davies, your contributions in all lessons has been amazing-well done! Year 2: Adalyn Forster, you have had a lovely week in school-well done for seeing the positives in everything! Cody and Sophia Wilson, you have had an amazing first
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Year 3 have been so lucky this afternoon to receive a visit from Edzoocation. They have visited us with a variety of different animals as part of our science topic. During the visit, our children were able to demonstrate and recap their knowledge of animals groups and skeleton types. They were also able to hold and handle a variety of different animals, including a snake, a tortoise, a ferret, a sugar glider and a baby owl.
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This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Afolabi Bakare, your participation in History lessons this week was amazing-well done! Ebony Green, you always make the right choices in school-well done! Year 2: John James Gillespie, you tried really hard when learning about how to save Earth and you also made a lovely poster-well done! Bella Stead, you have had a fantastic
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Laura Taylor came into school yesterday to help us practise the songs we will be singing at this year’s Big Sing. The focus is the Olympics and we are learning songs from around the world-we had great fun this afternoon and can’t wait for the Big Sing itself!