This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Afolabi Bakare, your participation in History lessons this week was amazing-well done! Ebony Green, you always make the right choices in school-well done! Year 2: John James Gillespie, you tried really hard when learning about how to save Earth and you also made a lovely poster-well done! Bella Stead, you have had a fantastic
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Laura Taylor came into school yesterday to help us practise the songs we will be singing at this year’s Big Sing. The focus is the Olympics and we are learning songs from around the world-we had great fun this afternoon and can’t wait for the Big Sing itself!
Today we joined the rest of the school, wore our PJ’s and brought in our favourite books-we had such a lovely day sharing them with everyone!
This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Ivy Neal, your listening and questioning when learning about Grace Darling was wonderful-well done! Brian Awenlimobor, you perservered when you found equal groups tricky in maths-well done! Year 2: Charlie Edmonds, you have shown amazing progress in your maths wok-well done! Leyton Smith, your attitude has been amazing and you are tyring so hard
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In science, year 3 have been learning about the human skeleton. As part of the lesson, the children used objects in our outside areas to create their very own human skeletons. They thought carefully about the size and shape of the objects depending on the bones they were representing.
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Year 3 have been learning all about nutrition in science. They can discuss each of the food groups and also read the traffic light food labelling system. We have discussed healthy foods and how we should eat a healthy and balanced diet, but we are also allowed an occasional treat!
Today, we designed and made a healthy and balanced sandwich. We chosen the ingredients ourselves and tried hard to work independently.
Take a look at what we got up to.
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This week’s merit certifiates have been awarded to… Year 1: Melvin Alabi, you are trying so hard to build friendships and it is so lovely to see you ejoying your play-keep it up and well done! Jafar Zamel, you have been so inquisitive during English lessons and have asked amazing questions-well done! Year 2: Deacon Templeton, you have been trying really hard to independently
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As part of our states of matter topic we have been looking at the water cycle. We made our very own so we can see it in action too!
Year 4 are looking at states of matter. We looked at a thermometer and investigated the temperature of different objects and areas in the classroom. We then looked at chocolate, ice cream, butter and a jelly sweet and used what we’d learned to predict which would melt first. We made tin foil boats for our substances and Mrs Smith added 300ml of hot water
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This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Mia Reid, your work on sorting animals into groups was amazing-well done! Isaac Watson, you are trying really hard to improve your letter formation-well done! Year 2: Holden Wilson, you produced a great leaflet telling everyone about the internet and web searches-well done! Ivy Love, you had fantastic rhythmn when playing the glockenspiels in
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