
Posts byKerby

Important Information for Returning Children

Please see below some important documents outlining our procedures for returning on Wednesday 2nd September.

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Returning to School

We are very much looking forward to having the children back to school in September and we are busy making sure school is as safe as possible.

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Goodbye and Good Luck year 6 class of 2020

To all of our wonderful year 6’s, we hope that you enjoy this video we have put together for you to remind you of your many fantastic years with us.

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School Closure During the Summer Holidays

In consultation with Sunderland Local Authority, all schools will close to all children for the summer holidays on Friday 17th July 2020 and return on Wednesday 2nd September 2020.

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Gallery: Planting the entrance flower beds

A selection of photos of the children planting flowers outside our main reception.

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New Beginnings Ofsted Report

You can read New Beginnings recent Ofsted report here.

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Receive a Free Activity Pack

We have a fantastic opportunity to receive a free activity pack from the team at the refurbished Hylton Castle.

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Safety Measures

Please see the list of measures we have introduced to support keeping us all safe on re-opening of school.

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Southwick in Space

We are delighted that we have been awarded the prestigious Bronze Space Education Quality Mark, in recognition of our excellent work compared nationally.

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Update: Government Guidance Covid-19 School and New Beginnings Opening

Following Government guidance to reopen on June 1st for nursery, reception year 1 and year 6 we have decided that it too soon and there is not enough information on transmission rates or enough scientific evidence to ensure our children are safe to return on this date.

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