Year 1 were invited to attend an English session with Monkwearmouth Academy, and had so much fun! Together with the Year 11 children they read stories, created characters from the story and even went on a secret word hunt using invisible ink!
Year 1 loved dressing up and sharing their favourite characters and stories on World Book Day. We had great fun having a fashion show showing off our outfits!
We have really enjoyed celebrating Science week! At Southwick, we do a lot of work and learning about Space. So, for Science week, we decided to stick with the theme of space and had a whole school focus on Mars.
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Our wonderful year 6 children organised a fayre for all of our children to attend in order to raise money for Comic Relief.
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We had lots of fun this week celebrating British Science Week. Take a look at who really impressed their teachers during this week!
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We had a great time raising money for Red Nose Day and loved attending the fayre ran by year 6!
Year 4 were invited to the Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve Fstival and we had a great time! We completed team building activities to get across a river filled with crocodiles, played some really competitive handball and exercised and then calmed our minds designing bunting and mindful colouring. We were all amazing-so much so that we all got a football-it was amazing!
Year 2 visited The Wetlands Centre in Washington this week. This was to become nature warriors and think about protecting the environment around us. We met a character called Ava and she gave us some nature challenges to show that we could protect and preserve animals and plants around us. We had to build nests, meet mini beasts, hug trees and go on a
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It has taken us weeks, we have learned lots of skills and look at our finished products! Aren’t they amazing? We are so proud of our work and can’t wait to take them home!
Year 6 enjoyed a brilliant trip to the University of Sunderland this week.
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