This week we have been learning all about physical and human features. We went exploring across Southwick and identified different features in our local area, and classifying them between things that are natural and things that have been built. Take a look at us in action.
This week Year 1 learned all about keeping our teeth healthy and the importance of brushing twice a day. We discussed the importance of water and drinking less sugary drinks like juice and flavoured water. We are looking forward to starting to teeth brush in school next term.
Year 1 have loved our English lessons this term. We have been exploring the story The Tiger who came to tea. We have been exploring adjectives and used these in our writing to describe the tiger. We have re told the story through story maps and acting it out, then we even hosted our own tea party with our grown ups where we made
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Year 1 loved the Science Bods show, learning about the seasons and animal groups. We had so much fun taking part in the Science Bods workshop learning all about science, through dance.
This week, Mrs Stephenson’s maths group have began their new topic of length and perimeter. To begin to the topic, the children practised their measuring skills and measured a range of objects in the classroom in mm, cm and m. They knew they had to use different measuring tools for different sized objects.
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On Tuesday, Science Bods came into school to tell us about different science topics. We learnt about seasons, plants and bodies all through dance.
Year 2 have been working very hard to add and subtract tens and ones, crossing a tens number. We have been using dienes to help us exchange tens and ones. Here is some of our work:
This week we have looked at a running stitch. The hardest part was threading the needle but once we got started we were amazing!
Year 6 went to the old site of The Wearmouth Colliery where the Stadium of Light now sits. We learned all about the history of the area and our mining heritage.
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Year 3 had a special visitor today from the dental team. The children learned all about how important it is to make sure your teeth are healthy. Our visitor brought a teeth model to show the children how to brush to ensure they reach all of their teeth. We also discussed the foods we shouldn’t eat too much of to ensure we don’t damage our teeth.
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