As part of learning about our local area we went on a walk around Southwick to visit our local church, we passed lots of local landmarks and talked about what we could see. At Church we were learning about the importance of Harvest Festival, we loved being at church and sharing food to be kind to everyone.
We have loved space week! We read the story ‘The First Hippo on the Moon’ we talked about how you travel to the moon and what it would be like to be in space or on the moon. We created our own rockets, shared our thoughts about how we would feel if we were on the moon, painted our own moons and even went
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Year 6 had a very exciting visit from Guy and his wonderful creatures who travelled all the way from the Amazon Rainforest…
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This week we took part in #HelloYellow day. This was in support of ‘Young Minds’ for World Mental Health Day.
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We have all thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Space Week focusing on the theme of humans in space. Take a look at what we’ve all been up to…
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We looked at the Artemis Mission and designed a mission patch for a pace suit. We looked at the function of a space suit and designed our own after chronologically ordering real suits worn over the years. We then looked at how astronauts eat and devised a meal for them that included the 5 food groups. We know the food has to be dehydrated
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Year 2 have been thinking about what they are grateful for during Harvest Time. They worked together as a team and made some bread to symbolise the farmers collecting in the crops from the field. Here are some photos of our bread.
We had fun placing numbers on number lines, showing our skills in maths.
We are really enjoying learning about our local area, and have loved comparing the different bridges across Sunderland. we have discussed the different modes of transport for the bridges, the differences in their structure and how they have changed over time. We have added the bridges to our classroom timeline. from oldest to newest and have loved recreating these in lots of different forms
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Our Year 6 children organised a fantastic coffee morning for Macmillan cancer support.
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