Y3 have been learning about the artist, Jackson Pollock, and his unusual style of art. Jackson Pollock used a technique called ‘drip painting’ to create his pieces of art. The children tried to recreate his technique by creating their very own drip paintings.
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Year 3 have been learning all about rocks and soils during their science lessons this half term. To help the children remember the different types of soils, they made their very own dirt puddings. They may look like dirt but they tasted amazing!
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We have enjoyed celebrating Space Week. Take a look at some of the things we’ve been up to throughout school.
On Monday 30th September Year 6 attended a workshop at the Beacon of Light. We found out all about the history of Sunderland football club, its strip and its badge as well as discovering what life was like for miners who worked at the Wearmouth Colliery. During the visit, we looked at some of the statues and items around the stadium and found out
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As a hook into our ‘instruction writing’ topic, the children made their very own jam sandwiches. Now that they have made them for themselves, they are able to give instructions to other people to tell them how to do it too! It was also delicious!
Today we have had Mrs Walmsley come into school to answer some questions about what life was like in Southwick in the past. She showed us some lovely pictures and answered some of our questions about school, homes and shops. Thank you Mrs Walmsley!
Year 4 have been enjoying their PE sessions and have started to learn the rules of hockey and fundamental skills. They can’t wait to start playing some matches!
We have been investigating the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and discussing the different feelings the characters could have. We used speaking listening and drama to show how the characters would walk and speak to other characters. We thought about what would the character’s eyebrows look like if they were angry or surprised and lots of other feelings. Take a look at some
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We were very lucky to have Professor Debs from the University of Sunderland to come and deliver a very exciting assembly to us. We talked about (and seen inside) the human body and explored some of the different bones and muscles. We got ourselves up and moving to give our bodies a stretch and our muscles a work out!
Year 2 have worked together in groups to investigate the features and landmarks of the countries in The United Kingdom. We looked at a variety of physical and human features and had to match them to the correct country, using the information provided. Here is our lovely work!