Look what we’ve been up to

Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Party

Year 1 and Year 2 danced the afternoon away at their Christmas Party this week. We had party food, played games and then had some dancing competitions. It was great fun!

Year 5 and 6 Christmas Party

Year 5 and 6 had a wonderful afternoon celebrating Christmas and the end of a very busy term. We danced our socks off and sang our hearts out!

Year 4 Electric Cards!

Year 4 have linked their scientific knowledge of constructing electrical circuits with design and technology to create their own Christmas cards that light up!

Real life maths – money focus

It is really important that the children understand why they are learning maths and how their learning can help them in real life. Each term, the whole school will focus on a real life aspect of maths and this term the focus was money.

Each year group / class chose a different aspect of money to focus on and objective they wanted the children to grasp.

Take a look at the ‘Celebrating Maths’ page of the website to find out more about what each group d

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Year 1 Visits the Church!

Year 1 explored the Christmas Story in Holy Trinity Church today. We discussed the story and then worked as a team to make props to support our re-enactment of the story. We had an amazing time.

Year 1 Singing Square

We had so much fun dressing up and performing in the singing square!

Year 4 Outdoor Learning…

Year 4 took our learning outside today and had a great time using the resources and fire pit. Safety first as we followed the rules of the fire pit to toast giant marshmallows! We then did a bit of magic and used chemicals and changed the colour of the flames to blue and green! We used our problem solving skills and worked as teams

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Year 2 Art

Year 2 have been using lots of different colours and a technique called pointillism to create some colour wheels. Pointillism is where you use small dots to create a larger picture. We also experimented with different tones of colour to ensure we used the right shade on our artwork.

Year 1 Christmas Jumper Day

Year 1 had a superb day in our Christmas Jumpers. We loved making our calendars as well as eating our delicious Christmas dinners!

Year 1 Choosing Time

Year 1 have been exploring the blocks during their choice time. We have worked as a team to create some amazing structures. We made a zoo, bridges and a castle. Take a look at our photos!