Look what we’ve been up to

Edzoocation Year 3 – 24.5.24

Year 3 have been so lucky this afternoon to receive a visit from Edzoocation. They have visited us with a variety of different animals as part of our science topic. During the visit, our children were able to demonstrate and recap their knowledge of animals groups and skeleton types. They were also able to hold and handle a variety of different animals, including a snake, a tortoise, a ferret, a sugar glider and a baby owl.

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Pyjamarama Day

Year 1, 2 and 6 spent some time sharing their stories in their pyjamas to support Pyjamarama Day on Monday. We use lots of different areas to share stories and the reading was fantastic!

Year 4 prepare for The Big Sing!

Laura Taylor came into school yesterday to help us practise the songs we will be singing at this year’s Big Sing. The focus is the Olympics and we are learning songs from around the world-we had great fun this afternoon and can’t wait for the Big Sing itself!

Year 4 Pyjamarama Day…

Today we joined the rest of the school, wore our PJ’s and brought in our favourite books-we had such a lovely day sharing them with everyone!

Year 6 end of SATS fun!

Year 6 visited the beach for a day of fun after they worked so hard during SATS week!

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Year 1 learn about Grace Darling

We have loved learning all about Grace Darling and how she saved 9 people in 1838. We thought she was an inspiration and have used our class timeline to order events in her life and discuss what it would have been like to live in the Victorian era, even trying on some Victorian clothes and using household objects. We can not wait to learn

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KS1 Butterfly Release

Yesterday afternoon, Year 1 and Year 2 gathered together to release the butterflies we have been caring for, over the last 2 weeks. We opened up their net and they flew away! It was beautiful to see them stretch their wings and fly off into the trees.

Year 3 Skeletons 16.5.24

In science, year 3 have been learning about the human skeleton. As part of the lesson, the children used objects in our outside areas to create their very own human skeletons. They thought carefully about the size and shape of the objects depending on the bones they were representing.

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Year 3 – Making healthy sandwiches (15.5.24)

Year 3 have been learning all about nutrition in science. They can discuss each of the food groups and also read the traffic light food labelling system. We have discussed healthy foods and how we should eat a healthy and balanced diet, but we are also allowed an occasional treat!

Today, we designed and made a healthy and balanced sandwich. We chosen the ingredients ourselves and tried hard to work independently.

Take a look at what we got up to.

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Year 2 Science

Year 2 have been learning about different life cycles and have had some special visitors into school. They started off as tiny caterpillars and have grown into huge caterpillars. They are now in their chrysalis’ and we are waiting for them to turn into butterflies.