Rewards and Shoutouts

Rewards 12th July 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: All of Yearf 1-you have been a wonderful year group and your teachers are going to miss you so much-well done! Ewan McQuillan, you have been an amazing pupil here at Southwick and we are really going to miss you but your new school are so very lucky to have you-well done! Year 2:

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Rewards 5th July 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Rio Foot, your effort during circuit training was amazing-well done! Ewan McQuillan, you have loved Health Week and had an amazing time-well done! Year 2: All of year 2, you were all fantastic during our trip to Beamish! You are all amazing-well done! Effy Richardson, you wrote an amazing explaation text that included all

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Rewards 28th June 2024

Thus week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Kye McCully, your writing was amazing when we were learning about beach safety-well done! Year 2: Bella Stead, you used some amazing conjunctions when building sentences for our explanation-well done! Lucas Jones, you are a little star as you always try your best and are so caring-well done! Chijioke Nnaji, you have been a

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Rewards 21st June 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Noah Petchy, fabtastic effort learning your new phonemes this week and applying these when reading-well done! Jacob Dixon, you have communicated your wants and needs clearly this week-well done! Year 2: Madison-Rose Hall, you have had such a lovely week and have tried so hard in all of your subjects-well done! Ella Osho, you

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Rewards 14th June 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Oliver Spurs, your art work of ‘Two Crabs’ in the style of Vincent Van Gogh was amazing-well done! Emily Nguyen, your art work was also incredible and you have an excellent eye for detail-well done! Year 2: Charlie Edmonds, you are growing in confdence and shining every day-we are so proud of you! Rocco

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Rewards 6th June 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Melvin Alabi, your confidence is growing and you are building some lovely friendships-well done! Halle Davies, your contributions in all lessons has been amazing-well done! Year 2: Adalyn Forster, you have had a lovely week in school-well done for seeing the positives in everything! Cody and Sophia Wilson, you have had an amazing first

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Rewards 24th May 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Afolabi Bakare, your participation in History lessons this week was amazing-well done! Ebony Green, you always make the right choices in school-well done! Year 2: John James Gillespie, you tried really hard when learning about how to save Earth and you also made a lovely poster-well done! Bella Stead, you have had a fantastic

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Rewards 17th May 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Ivy Neal, your listening and questioning when learning about Grace Darling was wonderful-well done! Brian Awenlimobor, you perservered when you found equal groups tricky in maths-well done! Year 2: Charlie Edmonds, you have shown amazing progress in your maths wok-well done! Leyton Smith, your attitude has been amazing and you are tyring so hard

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Rewards 10th May 2024

This week’s merit certifiates have been awarded to… Year 1: Melvin Alabi, you are trying so hard to build friendships and it is so lovely to see you ejoying your play-keep it up and well done! Jafar Zamel, you have been so inquisitive during English lessons and have asked amazing questions-well done! Year 2: Deacon Templeton, you have been trying really hard to independently

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Rewards 3rd May 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Mia Reid, your work on sorting animals into groups was amazing-well done! Isaac Watson, you are trying really hard to improve your letter formation-well done! Year 2: Holden Wilson, you produced a great leaflet telling everyone about the internet and web searches-well done! Ivy Love, you had fantastic rhythmn when playing the glockenspiels in

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