Rewards and Shoutouts

Rewards 13th October 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Peter Burt, you worked so well in a team to make a bridge in D&T-well done! Ebony Green, you created a wonderful bridge-it was fantastic! Year 2: Marley Barrs, you amazed us in PE with your amazing striking and fielding skills-well done! Payge Galer, this is for just being you! You are a fantastic

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Rewards 6th October 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Taylor Ditch, you have had an amazing week following our school rules-keep it up! Well done! Oliver Spurs, you show great enthusiasm in everything you do-well done! Year 2: Annabelle Wrathall, your beautiful letter formation blew us away-well done! Jenson McCririe, you have been trying so hard with your writing in RWI and geography-you

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Rewards 29th September 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Theia Wallace, you have a super attitude to learning-you are a star! Millie-May Nicholson, you always try your best in English lessons-well done! Year 2: Harry Redwin, you have a fantastic attitude and always try your best-well done! Bella Stead, you listen carefully and always put your hand up to contribute in lessons, well

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Rewards 21st September 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Kaiden Johnson, you have had a lovely week and have made all the right choices-well done! Evie Mae Mardghum, your enthusiasm in our geography lessons was amazing-well done! Year 2: Madison Hall, your addition sentences using the commutative law were wonderful-well done! Ella Osho, you’ve had an amazing first few weeks here at Southwick-well

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Rewards 15th September 2023

This week’s Merit Certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Dakota Lee, you are an amazing role model to all of year 4, well done! Tyla-May Bates Whitfield, you are always amazing and ready to learn-well done! Year 2: Esamay Stobbart, you are really impressing us with your singing-well done! Lilly Harding, you’ve had an amazing start to year 2 and have asked amazing

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Rewards 8th September 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Class 3, you have all settled into year 1 so well-well done! Brian Awenlimobor, you have had an amazing start to our school-you are a star! Year 2: Nyah Lee Wright, your writing about London was amazing-you are a star! Robert Roberts, you have made a fantastic and positive start to our school-well done!

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Rewards 14th July 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Charlie Edmonds, you have been an absolute super star in maths and have worked so hard-well done! Taylor Lusby, you have had an amazing week-keep it up and well done! Year 2: Ronnie Green, you are super positive about going into year 3-well done! Emily Cruickshanks, you made an amazing collage using different tones

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Rewards 7th July 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Nylah Foot, you were fantastic when supporting your team on sports day-well done! Renesmee Burlinson, you have been so thoughtful of other peoples’ feelings-well done! Year 2: Harvey Stobbart, you were a fantastic helper at sports day-well done! Elizabeth Oloyede, your perseverance in health week and how you tried new things was amazing-well done!

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Rewards 30th June 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Aliyah-Mae Dempster, you have been a superstar this week with our seaside topic-well done! Lily Coates, you have had an amazing week-well done! Year 2: Christopher Azabuike, you have had a great week and have massively impressed with your questions and resilience-well done! Ronnie Green, you have had a great attitude to your learning

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Rewards 23rd June 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to… Year 1: Cassius King, you are working so hard to make the right choices and you wrote a fantastic thank you letter to the fish quay-well done! Lilly Coates, you have had a brilliant week and you have been so enthusiastic in all subjects-well done! Year 2: Carson King, you come into school everyday, always try

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