What’s The Buzz?

Mini Police 2019

On Friday 1st March 2019 our mini police recruits took part in a water safety training day at Northumbria Police Marine Centre in Jarrow.

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MOMO Challenge

Please be aware of a very worrying pop-up video and set of instructions circulating the internet.

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Cluster Tournament dates 2018/19

Sport tournament dates for your diary.

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Gallery: Our Fabulous Work

A small selection of some fabulous work from our children.

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Year 4 Gymnastics Festival

On Friday 8th February Year 4 had a fantastic time at the Gymnastics festival at AA Sports, Southwick.

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Olivia Scott Represents Sunderland Girls

Everyone at Southwick Community School is so proud of Olivia, who despite only being in Year 5 has established herself as first choice goalkeeper for the Sunderland Girls’ team. On Tuesday evening, she kept goal for a tournament at the Walker Riverside Academy – keeping two clean sheets as the girls won their two games 1-0 and 2-0 respectively. Olivia was confident and calm,

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[Gallery] Derwent Hill Day 3

A look at day 3 from Derwent Hill!

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[Gallery] Derwent Hill Day 2

Day 2 from Derwent Hill.

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[Gallery] Derwent Hill Day 1

A look at day 1 from Derwent Hill!

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School reopens on Monday 7th January 2019

We hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.

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