What’s The Buzz?

Mental Health and Well-being Conference

Mrs Ellison and I were recently very privileged to be invited to speak at a National Conference in London around Mental Health and well-being.

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Children in Need – We raised £660.99

We raised a magnificent £660.00 on Friday for Children in Need.

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Macmillan Coffee Morning – a BIG Thank You!

A BIG thank you from everyone in year 6. You will be amazed at how much we raised for Macmillan.

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Lantern Time Again!!

It’s that wonderful time of the year again. It’s a time to remember what we hold dear and celebrate in our community.

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Well done Eve and Alicia!

We are very proud to share some fantastic news about the achievements about some children who used to attend our school.

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Breakfast Club

Breakfast club will start from Monday 11th September

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Welcome back!

We hope you’ve all had a wonderful and safe summer. School opens on Wednesday 6th September.

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Our New School App

I am pleased to inform you that we have introduced a new app service to the school to ensure that our communication with you is easier, quicker and more efficient.

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Sports day has been cancelled

Sports Day has been postponed due to the condition of the field.

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Health Week 3rd – 7th July

We will be taking part in health week.Could all children have suitable footwear and a PE kit in school.

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