What’s The Buzz?

100% Attendance

Well done to our super 100% attenders who received a certificate and a £25 gift voucher.

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I am Sports and All About You

A summer full of sports here at Southwick Community Primary School. Find out more.

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North Summer School Holiday What’s on Guide

Find out more about what’s on during the North Summer School Holiday club.

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St Oswald’s Children’s Hospice Snowdogs

St Oswald’s Children’s Hospice has teamed up with Wild in Art to stage Tyne and Wear’s biggest ever mass-participation, public art event – Great North Snowdogs!

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Health Week Success

Throughout the week beginning 27th June we took part in Health week.

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A reminder to Year 6 for School Photographs

A quick reminder to all Year 6 children, including those on transition, to be in school for 8.15a.m for school photographs.

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Sports / Community Day – 30th June

Our annual sports and community day is to be held on Thursday 30th June.

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Healthweek – Monday 27th June

Just a reminder that health week starts on Monday 27th June. Children must bring a full PE kit and water everyday to take part.

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NSPCC ‘Big Board’ fundraising event

On Friday 27th May, the NSPCC ‘Big Board’ fundraising event will take place in school.

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[Gallery] Congratulations to KS2 Choir!

Congratulations to our KS2 choir who performed beautifully at the Sunderland Schools Singing Festival on the 18th March.

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