What’s The Buzz?

Healthwatch Sunderland ‘Drop in Service’

Talk with Healthwatch Sunderland and the Independent Complaints Advocacy about your experiences accessing health and social care services.

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Southwick Strikes Gold – AGAIN!

Well done to all of our wonderful athletes who won the Sainsbury’s gold award again this year.

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Macmillan Coffee Morning Prize Winners

Our competition winners have been announced from our Macmillan coffee morning. View the complete list here.

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Macmillan Coffee Morning

Year 6 are holding a Coffee morning on September 26th between 10 a.m and 12 noon. More details to follow.

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Lantern Festival Volunteers

Our annual lantern festival is once again fast approaching and we require volunteers to make this our best event EVER!

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Children’s Savings Bank

Year 6 children, with the support of Mrs Purvis, will be running a savings club every Wednesday morning during playtime.

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Clarinet Lessons

An exciting new experience for all those who would like the chance to learn how to play the Clarinet.

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New Term

We look forward to welcoming you all back on Thursday 3rd September 2015 at 8.55am.

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[Gallery] 100% Attendance Assembly

View our gallery celebrating children who have 100% attendance.

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10% Discount Family Holiday Vouchers

Sunderland CIty Council are working with Hays Travel to provide 10% discount on Family Holidays in the UK and abroad.

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