What’s The Buzz?

Rewards Video Assembly (15/01/2021)

Find out who has won an award this week with our video assembly.

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Awards Assembly Video

Find out who has won an award this week with our video assembly.

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Christmas Video’s

View this years Nursery and Reception Nativity Performances and also the whole school Carol Service.

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Phonics Screening Check

Your child will be taking part in a phonics screening check during the week of Monday 30th November, 2020.

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Year 4 Christmas Singing!

Year 4 have been singing Walking in a Winter Wonderland and were recorded by the Sunderland Music Hub.

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World Space Week

At Southwick Primary School, we are very proud to hold the Space Education Quality Mark Bronze Award and are always looking for ways to build our children’s knowledge and learning experiences linked to space.

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What to do if you have Coronavirus Symptoms

All of the information you need if you have symptoms or been been in close contact with someone who tests positive for coronavirus.

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Important Information for Returning Children

Please see below some important documents outlining our procedures for returning on Wednesday 2nd September.

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Returning to School

We are very much looking forward to having the children back to school in September and we are busy making sure school is as safe as possible.

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Goodbye and Good Luck year 6 class of 2020

To all of our wonderful year 6’s, we hope that you enjoy this video we have put together for you to remind you of your many fantastic years with us.

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