Celebrating Art and Design

At Southwick Primary school we love to celebrate artistic achievements of each child. The children’s achievements in the arts are shown in our amazing Art Gallery created in summer 2020. Our Art Gallery enables children, staff and visitors to gain an insight into the diversity of the work going on in the school. We encourage the children to take an interest in other children’s work across the school and this is done through our gallery and with our art ambassadors throughout the school.

Year 4 sewing

This week we have looked at a running stitch. The hardest part was threading the needle but once we got started we were amazing!

Year 4 weaving

Our new art topic is textiles so we have tried weaving with different materials-we were very good!

Digital Art – Easter Disco

Photography club loved being asked to plan and shoot Easter photos at the Easter discos. We researched ideas, designed and created our own props then set up and shot our Easter photos. We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed taking them!

Digital Art – Photography Club

We have had lots of fun in photography club this half term researching and creating props for our Christmas photoshoot! Check out some of our finished photos below, we are so proud of them!

Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II

In art club this week we have been creating crafts and decorations in preparation for the Jubilee. We can’t wait to decorate our school and Southwick Green with our art work for the big celebration!

Art club drawings…

Our favourite book covers…

In art club, we each chose our favourite book cover. We worked hard to replicate them, making sure we included any intricate detail. We are so proud of the outcome and can’t wait to see them on our whole school reading display. Take a look at our special ‘World Book Day’ art…

Animal Art!

Art clubs completed fairy doors and name plaques

We are so proud of our clay slab work. We painted them to emphasise the detail and we included texture to add character to our fairy doors and name plaques.

Take a look at our completed slab work.

Clay painting…

Our beautiful bird feeders!

This week in art we have been creating bird feeders for our wildlife area. We have worked hard to create the perfect, colourful bird feeder, to place in the food, for our feathered friends. We are going to be hanging them outside in hope to attract many birds. We will refresh the food regularly to make sure the birds come back for more.

Bird feeder designs

In art we have been designing our bird feeders, thinking carefully about how we can make them aesthetically pleasing. We thought about the opening of the bird feeders to make sure the birds can access the food. To create our bird feeders, we will be using recycled milk bottles to create our bird feeders to help look after the environment.

Year 3’s ‘Titanic’ art project…

Today, we began to learn about the artist, Claude Monet.  We looked at the techniques he used to create his paintings.  We know that he created his paintings using little strokes and different sized brushes.

We learned all about how people treat Monet when he first started painting in this way.  They teased him about his paintings and said he should paint in the way the other French artists were painting.  Monet didn’t listen and carried on painting using his unique style.

As we are going to paint a picture of the Titanic in the same style as Monet, we began to look at the colours we needed.  We began with 3 colours, blue, black and white.  It was our challenge to use these three colours to mix the different shades we would need.

We knew that if we needed a lighter shade, we added more white and if we needed a darker shade we added more black.  Take a look at the colours we have mixed.

We then created a sketch of the Titanic sinking, we will paint the sketch following in the style of Monet.

We then used our colour mixing skills to begin painting our work. We painted the sky and ocean in the style of Monet, making sure we used different tones and tints of blue and grey, to add a special effect influenced by our focus artist.

Year 6 sketching techniques to add layers and tone…

In year 6 we have been sketching rainforest animals and landmarks in South America, using charcoal and pastels to add layers and tone. Look at our wonderful work!

Our Whole School Art Gallery…

The Gallery will be updated each half term, and we can’t wait to show you the work. Keep an eye out for your child’s wonderful work!

If you create any wonderful work at home, please feel free to bring it in to school and we can display it in the Gallery.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Brook

Art Club

This week in Art club we have designed and created our very own door plaque. We used a plaque template to hold the clay and then used toothpicks to carve detail into our clay. To add a 3D effect to our plaques we used the score and slip method to attach our additional pieces. We even used sequins and gems to add decorative detail to our designs.

This week we have been learning all about space. Peter Thorpe is well known for painting rockets in abstract form. We have had lots of fun recreating his work.

By using different techniques, with different painting tools like; pipe cleaners, pom poms, paint brushes and corrugated card, we created a background effect behind our rocket template. We even got messy and used our fingers! We used illuminous paint to add vibrant colour to our art work. Everyone’s work was so unique even though we all explored using the same tools in different ways to create an original piece. Take a look at our space art…

In Art Club, we have been amazing art ambassadors, helping the SARA project make poppies for Remembrance Day! Vicky from ‘Southwick Altogether Raising Aspirations’ joined us in making poppies using the bottom part of plastic bottles. We used special red and black paint called acrylic to cover the plastic so it does not wash off in the rain. We can’t wait for you all to see our wonderful poppies at the Cenotaph on Southwick Green. We made lots and lots and lots…

Nursery Art Gallery

Reception Art Gallery

Year 2 Art work

Year 3 Art and Design work!

Year 4 amazing Art and Design work…

Year 5 L.S Lowry display

Year 6 animal Art