Celebrating History


Year 6 Coal to Goal Heritage Day…

Year 6 went to the old site of The Wearmouth Colliery where the Stadium of Light now sits. We learned all about the history of the area and our mining heritage-we had the best day! We did some sports since the site is now a sporting hub, we met a gentleman with a heritage of mining and looked at how the SAFC badge has changed over the years to incorporate Sunderland’s rich heritage into it.

Local History

Year 4

We have just completed our local history topic ‘Shipbuilding in Sunderland’.  We learned so many interesting facts and couldn’t believe how famous Sunderland was in the past for building ships.  Did you realise that Sunderland had over 400 shipyards in total until the last one closed in 1988?

We recorded our shipbuilding knowledge in posters.

Greek Day!

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed our fun filled Greek day. We had a special visit from Zeus who taught us all about the ways of the ancient Greek people. We learned about Greek Gods, democracy, the Athenian Games (now known as the Olympics), ancient Greek myths and legends and much more! Click here to see some of our photos!

Year 4 Anglo-Saxons

In Year 4, we began Spring term learning all about the Anglo Saxons.  First, we thought about the questions we would like to ask to find out more about the Anglo Saxon people.  Next, we learned about how the Anglo Saxons affected the lives we live today.    We didn’t realise that a lot of the place names we use today were given by the Anglo Saxons.  One of the interesting facts we found out was that any place name ending in –wick meant ‘farm’ so Southwick may have been a farm in Anglo Saxon times.

Next, we looked at the social differences between the Anglo Saxons and the other historical eras we had learned about.  We looked at the characteristic features of their social lives and used this to design our very own Anglo Saxon villages.

As we had made bread during our Ancient Egypt topic, we also made Anglo Saxon bread to compare the ingredients used and the tastes.

Bringing History to Life!

Learning about evacuees in the 1940s farm house

During Autumn term, Year 5 had a wonderful visit to Beamish museum. We were so impressed with their enthusiasm. It is such a fantastic place to visit and really helps the children to understand what life must have been like during different time periods. They enjoyed looking around the different exhibits and taking part in an Evacuee workshop. We have definitely learned lots to help us with our World War Two topic this term! You can see our photos here

Remembrance Day

Whole school Remembrance Day display

At 11am, the whole school took part in a two minute silence for Remembrance Day. Each year group also contributed some wonderful work for an assembly all about this important day. There was so much fantastic work produced we had to show it off!