Celebrating Outdoor Learning

Repeated Patterns

In Reception we have been collecting natural resource’s outside such as pinecones, sticks, leaves and stones then used these to create our own repeated patterns.

Beach Trip

Today we were so excited to go to the beach. We made sand castles, art using stones in the sand, played games, chased the waves and threw stones in the sea. It was very cold and windy but we had so much fun, take a look at what we got up to!

Making music and more painting!

This week we have been making our own wind chimes for the music area. We collected large sticks and used twine to thread beads onto the sticks. We can’t wait to hang them up and listen to the music they create. We also have continued to make our outdoor area more colourful by painting around our outdoor bath!

Painting Outdoors

We have been working hard to make our outdoor area even better and this week we helped Miss Ruttley and Miss Livingston paint outside. We have done an amazing job and can not wait to develop the area even more!

Signs of Spring

In outdoor learning club this week, we talked about the seasonally change to Spring, and different signs of spring we had seen. We discussed how we are starting to see signs of new life on trees and plants and decided we wanted to add some extra plants into our yard. We planted a range of flowers; to attract bees, herbs to be used in our school meals, and tomatoes which will make a delicious healthy snack. We will keep checking on and looking after our plants as they grow. We then talked about the importance of keeping our school grounds clean and tidy and we filled lots of bags collecting rubbish from outside Miss Dickinson and Mrs Woodey were super impressed with how much we collected!

Fire Pit Fun

Today we went to the fire pit and roasted marshmallows. First we discussed the importance of fire safety and the different rules. Then we discussed how we thought we made a fire. We went outside and tested our theory and practised safe fire safety. We loved roasting the marshmallows and especially enjoyed eating them!

Outdoor Learning Club

This week was the start of our new outdoor learning club. We talked about what we would like to do during our club and shared our ideas as a group. Some of the ideas we had were to make art with natural resources, use the fire pit, go on trips to the beach and forest, and most of all have fun!

We then went exploring outside and collected lots of natural resources before using these back in the classroom to make some beautiful artwork. Take a look at us in action!

Outdoor Classroom Day

On 3rd November Southwick took part in Outdoor Classroom Day. We had an amazing day taking our learning outdoors, exploring and investigating the outdoor areas to extend our learning. Take a look at us in action.


We really enjoyed completing our outdoor learning session today! We spoke about Autumn and the autumnal changes that we could see outside. We then collected different coloured leaves and create a large scale pumpkin on the yard. We had lots of fun! 


We had so much fun on outdoor learning day, we have been using the chalks outside to draw pictures of fireworks and Rangoli patterns. We also made Rangoli patterns in the sand. We have been playing in the water and exploring in the forest area. We had a number hunt in the sandpit and also a letter hunt in the forest. We have been making Diya lamps in the mud kitchen and also preparing food in the mud kitchen to have a Diwali celebration with our friends around the table. We used the costumes and musical instruments to dress up and rein act some of the Diwali traditions we have been learning about.

Year 1

In year 1 we have been learning about Diwali. As part of the our week long celebrations we went outside and had a Diwali celebration around the firepit and made our very own magical fire to make the flames change colour and toasted marshmallows on the fire. 

We also took our literacy and Maths lessons outside. In Maths we used natural resources to create a number line, we have also been learning about ordinal numbers and had races to position ourselves first, second and third. In Literacy we practiced writing CVC words outside and used natural resources to create our new sound. We have loved taking our learning outside!

Year 2

We took our RWI lessons outside and had to form different ‘are’ words in chalk, such as care and share. In Maths we have been working on our number recognition and we had to find the number using the large 100 square. We then had to find natural resources to help us counting in 3s.

Year 3

In year 3, we looked at Rangoli patterns and why they are important to Hindu’s at Diwali time. We then designed our very own Rangoli patterns and used chalks to create Rangoli patterns outside of our classroom doors. We had lots of fun making the floor colourful.

As part of our Stone Age topic, we went to the fire pit to discuss what life would be like during the Stone Age. We discussed how we use fires differently now compared to in the past. We had so much fun using the flint to create a spark. Finally we toasted some marshmallows and made smores, they were delicious.

Year 4

This week, our literacy group are focusing on the ‘cious’ and ‘tious’ RWI sounds. We went on an outdoor hunt for word cards using these sounds but the teacher had tricked us.  Some of the words contained the wrong grapheme so we had to work together to decide which words had the correct grapheme and which ones were incorrect.

In Numeracy we went outside for our lesson. We have been learning about Part-whole models and representing numbers in different ways. We used parts of nature to represent calculations. Stones represented ones, twigs represented tens and leaves represented hundreds. We really enjoyed ourselves.

Year 5

Today is outdoor learning day so we took our maths lesson outside to complete a times table treasure hunt! We had a variety of times table calculations to solve and worked in partners or small groups to calculate the answers. We then had to search our yard to find the corresponding letter to match the answers.

Year 6

Today year 6 took part in a times table treasure hunt for outdoor classroom day. We worked in small groups to solve different times table questions. Then, we had to go on the hunt for our answers to find a corresponding letter. The first team to find all the letter and number combinations was the winner!