Celebrating PSHE

Children in Need 2021…

We are so generous and today was no different-we all wore non-school uniform for a small donation and the proceeds were donated to the worthy cause. And we all had a lot of fun too!

Year 3- Meaningful measuring…

This week as part of our anti-bullying campaign, Year 3 have been making biscuits and decorating them with ‘one kind word’, one of the schools focuses for the week.

The children weighed out their own ingredients using a measuring scale and thoroughly enjoyed the whole process. Once the biscuits were finished, we them presented them to a friend. Take a look at us in action…

Odd Socks Day 2021…

Such a fun way to spread such an important message-it’s good to be different! Everyone got involved today and we were a wonderful mish mash of odd sock delight!

Anti Bullying Week 2021…

COVID may have stopped us having the whole school together in the hall to celebrate the start of Anti Bullying Week 2021 but it didn’t stop year 6 (and Eden Sampson’s mam) from making crochet bees, bookmarks, key rings and friendship bracelets! We sold them (socially distanced of course) around school and the response was amazing! Thank you to everyone who made, sold and bought something!

Hello Yellow 2021!

This year’s Hello Yellow Day for the Young Minds Mental Health Charity was a huge success! We all donned something yellow and celebrated the work done around children’s mental health. We do so much here at Southwick and it felt good to give (one of our 5 ways to wellbeing). We all brought a donation in (thank you to all of our families again-your generosity was amazing and very much appreciated!) We also had ‘worry worms’ for sale made by one of our parents-these sold out within minutes so she is currently crocheting more to meet demand! We had a range of activities going on around school from mindfulness to meditation-we had a brilliant day!

Our Year 6 children getting into the spirit of Hello Yellow…

Year 5 got into the swing of the fun of the day…

Year 2 had a great time!

PSHE is celebrated massively in school. We have a weekly certificate presentation linked to our Jigsaw focus and house points are given out daily for following our school rules, being kind, caring and incorporating our Jigsaw foci into everyday life!

5 Ways to Wellbeing…

Everyone in school knows about the 5 ways in which we can support our own wellbeing. We completed work on each of the 5 ways and continue to do so through our Jigsaw and school ethos and incentives such as Anti Bullying Week. Have a look at the pictures below to see how we fully immerse ourselves in each of the 5 ways to truly improve our own wellbeing.


Our Reception children connected with each other by sitting next to other children and supporting each other with different fine motor and measuring challenges…

Be Active…

We are all acutely aware of the fact that staying active impacts massively on our mental health…

Keep Learning…

The amount of research and exploration our children do at home is testament to how much our children know that learning benefits them massively…


Lilly Keogh in year 6 has cut all of her hair off and donated it to The Little Princess Trust where it can be made into a beautiful wig for a child who has lost their hair due to treatment for cancer. This is an outstanding act of kindness and one that has been many years in the making-well done, Lilly, we are so very proud of you!

We raise money throughout the year for a range of charities. Our year 6 children ran a successful Macmillan Coffee Morning for the whole school and parents…

Take Notice…

Hello Yellow!

As a school, we take part in and celebrate children’s mental health awareness with the Hello Yellow Campaign. We all wore something yellow and took part in lots of activities to help our own mental health-we love this celebration, we were very thankful to all of our families for their generous donations and cannot wait for this year to raise even more money for such a deserving charity. This year’s celebration will take place on Friday 8th October and will be bigger, better and even more yellow than last year! Watch this space for photos and activities from the day!

Anti Bullying Week…

Another initiative we all take part in around school is Anti-Bullying Week. This year the focus was ‘united against bullying’. This could be our school mantra as we are such a friendly and caring bunch that know any form of bullying is wrong. A selection of different activities and competitions took place and we certainly rose to each challenge!

Posters from our anti-bullying poster competition…

Year 6 children raised money for a friendship bench and designed, created and then sold friendship bracelets around school. We are even closer to our target amount and this year’s initiative should help us get there! Keep your eyes peeled as this year’s focus is ‘One Kind Word’ and we have some amazing ideas in the pipeline…