In R.E we learn about different releigions

Children at Southwick Primary study Religious Education and Worldviews to develop their knowledge and understanding of religion, beliefs and religious practices across cultures and the world. Children are provided with opportunities to understand the ideas and beliefs of a diversity of religions and non-religious Worldviews. Religious Education provides pupils with opportunities to: ask questions, develop questions by comparing and analysing a range of ideas and viewpoints, and to use empathy and reflection to evaluate their learning.

Through discussions and activities, children will be given opportunities to develop and use subject specific vocabulary linked to the study of religions. The Religious Education curriculum promotes questioning, discussion, critical thinking skills, reading and evaluative skills. At Southwick Primary, the curriculum is sequenced to ensure that one of the major World Religions is studied each year. Christianity is threaded throughout the curriculum each year and major Christian festivals (Christmas/ Easter) are studied in all year groups in line with the religious calendar.

The RE curriculum has been planned to:

  • Allow application of learning across the subject. For example: Christmas is taught throughout the school however, in Foundation 2 they learn that Jesus was a special baby and the story of his birth. In year 1 they learn about how Christians prepare for the celebration. At the end of KS2 children investigate the prophecies relating to Jesus’ birth, which they look up, using a variety of bibles.
  • Allow overlearning of key concepts in other subjects. Significant religious celebrations are celebrated through assemblies and through the work on British Values. There is significant overlap with the PHSE curriculum. RE gives students valuable insights into the diverse beliefs & opinions held by people today. Along with PHSE this supports their own personal development & provides pupils with insight that can work to challenge stereotypes, promote cohesion, and tackle extremism.
  • Opportunities to revisit learning. At the beginning of each unit teachers will recap on the previous unit or previous years unit on the same religion. Comparisons and links are made between different religions. Eg in Year 2 Hanukkah the Jewish Festival of Lights is compared to the use of lights at Christmas.

Celebrating Religion

Celebrating Christmas

The Singing Square

This year to celebrate Christmas we took part in a Singing Square Competition. Each year group chose a famous Christmas song and spent time learning the words and a routine or actions to match. We took it in turns to sing and move to the music in the sports hall. Everyone cheered and loved watching the other perform their routines. There were some big surprises. It was a really fun way to celebrate Christmas.

Celebrating Easter

Easter is the most special time for Christians and as a school we have been learning what Christians believe happened at Easter.

As we share and learn together, we are increasing our understanding and respect for others who may, or may not be of the same faith as ourselves


We had a special Easter assembly and Class 5 put on a special performance to retell the story of Easter. There was also a special performance by the choir.

The school worked hard to create a whole school display!

Easter Bonnet Parade

The children also took part on an Easter bonnet parade to show their Easter Bonnet entries. 

The school council were on hand to announce the winners.

Well done to everyone who took part.

Ramadan and EID

In Year 1 we have loved our R.E. lessons this week! We have been exploring Muslim celebrations Ramandan and EID. We have learnt about the prophet Muhammad and the reasons Muslims celebrate Ramadan and EID. We have even had our own EID celebration, making decorations and dip dying napkins for an EID feast.