Celebrating Spanish

Year 6 link to Remembrance…

One of the M3 milestones is to give detailed accounts of the customs, history and culture of the countries and communities where the language is spoken. So for Remembrance, year 6 looked at how Spain remembers.

Take a look at our fantastic Spanish work!

Look at the amazing work being done in our meet and greet topic!

We have loved learning all the names of the parts of our body in Spanish in our ‘My body’ topic, we can even sing cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dedos de los piés (head shoulders knees and toes)!

We can even describe places in our school in Spanish from our ‘ school’ tpoic . We love our colegio!

Spanish in Key stage 1

Year 2 love singing Happy Birthday in Spanish to celebrate people’s birthdays!

Year 1 have been working hard looking at where Spain is in the world and exploring the differences between their lives and ours.

Europe Week

Last year the whole school took part in Europe week, every year had a different country in Europe! We learnt all about our country including; what they eat, what language they speak and what it is like to live there. We loved celebrating Europe and can’t wait for it next year!

European Language Day

To celebrate European Language Day every class in KS1 and 2 completed a quiz about how to say hello in different languages. The winners were class 5 and class 16! We love that we can now use our new knowledge to say hello in different languages to answer the register.

Also to celebrate, each year group picked a Spanish Super Star. This was someone who tried their best in Spanish so far this year and impressed their new teacher with their knowledge.

All of Year 3 were Spanish Super Stars for their fantastic first Spanish lesson. Felicidades Year 3!

Fantástica Spanish Homework.

Take a look at Elzbieta Spanish work that she competed at home. We are all very impressed and have put her work up in our hallway for everyone to see. Well done Elzbieta.

Take a look at some of the fantastic Spanish homework children have been doing in year 3 and 4! We love seeing children are talking about Spain at home with their families.