Look what we’ve been up to in Year 5!

Health Week

Year 5 have had lots of fun celebrating health week and exploring different ways we can keep healthy. We have participated in lots of fun activities like fruit tasting, hand ball, hula hooping and climbing! We also worked with the camp of champions and representatives from the change for life team. In addition to this, we had great fun during our annual sports day.

Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee

Life Centre visit

Year 5 had the most amazing day at the life centre! We took part in a ‘Discovering chemistry’ workshop where we took on the role of a chemist and used real laboratory equipment to identify mystery powders and create new substances. We looked at how a flame can be used to identify a chemical and discovered the beauty and wonder of chemical reactions.
We also built our own moon buggies using a range of materials before taking them for a test drive on a recreation of the moon’s bumpy surface.
We were then lucky enough to explore the brain zone, creative zone and the space zone in the life centre before visiting the planetarium.
A fantastic day had by all!

Tag rugby festival

Some of our wonderful Year 5 children had great fun taking part in a tag rugby festival at Monkwearmouth Academy this week. We showed great determination, enthusiasm and sportsmanship.

Mini Police fun

The mini police representatives in year 5 enjoyed a fun filled morning when some of our local police community support officers came to visit them in school.

Brilliant Botanists

In Science, we began our new topic of Living things and habitats by dissecting a variety of flowering plants. We then labelled and described the functions of the parts of flowering plants, focusing on how they reproduce.

Tasty tzatziki

In History we have been studying the Ancient Greeks.  As part of this work we have looked at Greek food and carried out taste testing. We enjoyed making our own Greek salads and tzatziki, which we flavoured with our choice of herbs and spices.  We then brought them home to share with our family as part of our 5-ways-to-wellbeing (connecting).

Easter Craft Fair Extravaganza

Year 5 enjoyed making some wonderful Easter crafts for our whole school ‘Easter Craft Fair Extravaganza’ that was organised by the School Council. Take a look at our fabulous hanging decorations and the Year 5 winners who were chosen by School Council.

Tag rugby

Year 5 have been enjoying working with Mrs Hughes to develop our skills in tag rugby. We were over the moon that the weather has started to brighten up so we could go outside on the field!

British Science Week

Year 5 have created a plant wall garden as part of our project for British Science Week. We carefully thought about how we can make it sustainable and reduce our carbon footprint.  The planters were made using recycled plastic bottles.  We have planted herbs in our garden which we hope can be used by Mr Bradwell in the school kitchen and by us when we look at how plants reproduce in our next science unit.  We decorated our bottles, filled them with compost then planted our seeds.  Finally, we watered them.  We will be checking on them regularly and monitoring their growth over time. 

Curly Wurly Challenge

Year 5 enjoyed taking part in our whole school Curly Wurly challenge during British Science week.

Greek day!

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed our fun filled Greek day. We had a special visit from Zeus who taught us all about the ways of the ancient Greek people. We learned about Greek Gods, democracy, the Athenian Games (now known as the Olympics), ancient Greek myths and legends and much more!

World book day

Year 5 have had a great day celebrating World Book Day. Take a look at some of our great costumes.

Handball taster session

Year 5 were lucky enough to take part in free Handball taster session. We played games and learned the rules for a game of Handball. We really enjoyed ourselves and we really threw ourselves into the game.

Free taster sessions are also available at Farringdon Community Academy on Monday nights at 6pm. These taster sessions are available for children in Year 3, 4 and 5.

NSPCC Maths Day 2022

Year 5 have had a fun filled number day! In our maths groups, we designed and made our own ‘time’ themed maths games.  After we made them, we really enjoyed playing each other’s games.  We are adding these to our maths area so we can carry on using them to help us learn about time and to consolidate our skills.

As we are doing gymnastics for PE this term, we decided to link our sponsored challenge to this. For our timed event, our challenge was to balance on one leg for as long as we could. We then extended our challenge to holding different balances on apparatus for as long as we could.

National Storytelling Week

Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed ‘Storytelling week’. We read different traditional tales and even read some with a twist. We wrote character descriptions of Snow White, made our own gingerbread men and sat around the firepit toasting marshmallows and eating hot chocolate whilst listening to our Teacher read some traditional tales. We had lots of fun!

Crazy Continents

Year 5 have had a fantastic week studying the continent of North America. We have located all 23 countries on a map using an atlas and learned about the different climates – we couldn’t believe they were so different! Also we looked at some important landmarks from across the continent. We finished our week by making some delicious salsa – a traditional dish in Mexico.

Christmas Jumper Day

Year 5 had lots of fun celebrating Christmas jumper day on the last day of term. Merry Christmas everyone!

Homework Winners!

A huge well done to Theon, Logan, Brendan, Sofia and Masie-Jo who were the winners of our Autumn term homework grid. Look at some of the amazing homework they produced!

Santa dash!

Year 5 had lots of fun chasing Santa today! However, he was so fast we were unable to catch him!

Sensory room winners!

Mr Robson set a competition for children in school to design a poster (which will be made into a sign) to go outside of our new and wonderful sensory room. There were so many amazing entries but three of our fantastic Year 5 children were winners. A huge well done to Lexie Johnson, Bayley Galer and Fletcher Murphy! If you look close, you can see a sneak peak of how the Sensory room sign is going to look!

Mini Police

Today, the year 5 children who were chosen to be part of the Mini Police programme met some of our community Police Officers. They were given their very special and important lanyards which they can wear with pride every day in school. We can’t wait to see what the Mini Police get up to this year!

Odd Socks Day!

We all got into the theme of ‘everyone is different’ by wearing odd socks today to celebrate Anti bullying week and the fact we are all different – such a fun activity for an important message!


Year 5 had a wonderful visit to Beamish museum on Wednesday. We enjoyed looking around the different exhibits and taking part in an Evacuee workshop. We have definitely learned lots to help us with our World War Two topic this term!

Class 14 reading superstars!

After working so hard to read and complete accelerated reader quizzes, Class 14 were rewarded with Accelerated Reader group of the week. Also, Fletcher Murphy was the Accelerated Reader of the week! A huge well done to Fletcher and all of Class 14!

Lovely leaf drawings

As part of outdoor classroom day we went outside on a nature hunt to collect different leaves of different shapes, sizes, colours and textures. We then chose our favourites to have a go at sketching. We cut our leaves in half and then sketched the other side of the leaf. We tried our best to pay very close attention to detail. Don’t they look great?

Outdoor classroom day

On Thursday 4th November it was outdoor classroom today. Mrs Barker and Miss Slater’s maths groups took their lessons outdoors. Both groups went on a times table hunt around the school yard. We had to solve the answers to different times table calculations and then search the yard for the corresponding letters. This then allowed us to decipher a secret message… Multiplication Masters!


We have enjoyed learning new skills in Badminton. We have been practising our forehand and backhand serves and trying to build towards completing a rally in pairs.


This week some of year 5 took part in the Bikeability programme. They learned how to be a responsible cyclist and stay safe on the roads. We were very proud of the fantastic way they represented our school.

Hello yellow!

The children have all helped to support Hello Yellow Day by donating £1 to wear something yellow and purchasing ‘worry worms’ from the Year 6 children.

Space biscuits

During space week, we baked some delicious biscuits and then decorated them with a theme that was out of this world! We worked together to follow a recipe and we even measured our own ingredients.

Mars soil investigation

Space scientists hope that real samples of Mars soil will be brought back to earth from Mars, but in the meantime, we mimicked the work of space scientists using mock samples of soil sent. We had 3 different samples of mock soil to investigate. We acted like scientists to find out which sample best matched a description of Mars soil. We used sieving, filtering and evaporation to help us decide which sample was the best match to Scientists description of mars soil.

Kings and Queens of the castle!

Class 14 had a very exciting afternoon. We were lucky enough to visit Hylton Castle. We had a tour around the inside of the castle and outside around the castle grounds. We found out lots of interesting facts about the history of the castle and particularly enjoyed listening to a ghost story whilst sitting inside the castle!

Attendance winners!

Both class 13 and 14 won the attendance prize this week as they had the highest attendance across the whole school!

Their prize was hot chocolate and biscuits in the school hall with Mr Robson.

Ten pin bowling!

Some of our amazing Year 5 children took part in a bowling competition alongside other schools in Sunderland. We had lots of fun.

We won medals and certificates for coming 2nd place in the competition.

A huge shout out to Brendan Dorothy who had the highest overall score in the whole competition and a massive well done to Jae Gladstone and Logan Storey for the highest number of strikes and spares.

P.E Circuits

Take a look at us in action during our P.E lesson today. We had a go at lots of different exercises. You could tell how hard we worked when we realised we’d left sweat marks on the floor!

Marvellous map work

In our Geography sessions we have started to look at how our Earth is made up and divided. We have learnt about the seven continents and 5 oceans. We used maps and atlases to help us locate them on a world map.

We have also started to learn about the equator, Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the North and South pole. Take a look at us in action developing our map and atlas reading skills!

Testing materials

In science today we were given a range of materials to test based on their properties. We investigated how hard they were, how flexible they were, if they were magnetic, if they were electrical conductors and whether or not they were transparent. We were amazing at using scientific vocabulary like waterproof, rough, flexible, strong, absorbent, magnetic, opaque and electric conductor.

Building Bridges!

Class 12 were set the challenge of building a bridge over a river. They needed to work as a team to build a solid structure. We were so impressed by their communication skills and resilience.