National Storytelling Week 1st February

Year 4 listened to Sleeping Beauty and then made marshmallow crispy poisoned apples! They were gooey, sticky and delicious!

Year 4 also read The Gingerbread man-we learned about the use of repetition and the skills young children learn from traditional tales such as ordering and counting. Then we made our own gingerbread men using LOTS of different icing and toppings-they were delicious too!

Year 2 are looking at the great fire of London so they have drawn and made Tudor houses and also made clay versions too!

Year 2 have been learning life skills and have made buttered toast, cripsy cakes and bread-these look delicious!

Reception have being enjoying yoga sessions to keep their mind and body healthy!

Year 4 worked with a lady from the SARA project to make a derelict piece of land near Cato Street into something that could be enjoyed by all generations in Southwick. We all had amazing ideas!

Year 4 have been learning how to play netball with Gary…

Year 4 have been looking at Scottish artist, Steven Brown and today we experimented with patterns of animals in different mediums-the results are amazing!

Year 3 have been sewing and making puppets from The Gingerbread Man-they are amazing!

Reception children have been looking at We’re Going On A bear Hunt…

Reception have also been practicing their independent writing skills-well done you superstars!

Reception phonics work…

Reception maths…

Reception PE with June…

Year 5 have been designing their own book covers and blurbs…

Year 1 have been making gingerbread…

Year 6 making Mars Bar slices…

Year 3 making smoothies and trying new flavours…

Year 3 have been making puppets and performing traditional tales. They tried so hard with their expression and they were amazing!


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