
Governors help to make decisions about how our school is run. They attend at least two meetings a term and these meetings are held in school. As well as been a member of the Governing Body, Governors are also members of at least one committee. Most committees meet once a term.

Governors are appointed to help:

  • Decide what is taught
  • Set standards of behaviour
  • Interview and select staff
  • Decide how the school budget is spent

School Governors have legal duties, power and responsibilities. They can only act together, they can not act individually.

Parent Governors:

  • Have a child in school when elected
  • Are elected by Parents of the school
  • Serve, as other Governors for four years

When a vacancy for a parent Governors is available parents are informed and nomination forms are sent out.

Why are parents on the Governing Body?

Parent Governors bring new views of parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals. They should not be thought of as delegates or the voice of parents, they do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have voting rights.


New Governors are encouraged to attend training to help them fulfil their role. A comprehensive range of training courses are available through the LA. Governors regularly attend in school training sessions.

Chair of Governors 

  • Mrs Pauline Walmsley (Co-opted Governor)


  • Mrs Susan Ord (Vice-chair – Co-opted Governor)
  • Cllr Kelly Chequer (Local Authority)
  • Mrs Denise Brown (Co-opted Governor)
  • Cllr Michael Butler (Parent Governor)
  • Ms Kelly Barron (Co-opted Governor)
  • Mrs Maxine Booth (Co-opted Governor)
  • Mrs Vicki Neal (Co-opted Governor)
  • Mr Nnachetam Nnaji (Parent Governor)

Staff Governors:

  • Mr Christian Robson (Head Teacher)
  • Miss Joanne Thexton (Staff Governor)
  • Miss Hayley Hetherington (Associate Member)
  • Mrs Clare Magrath (Associate Member)

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