New Beginnings Nursery care for children between the ages Birth to 5 years.
Look what we’ve been up to in New Beginnings SEN ReportOpening Times
7.30am – 6pm Monday to Friday.
We are closed between Christmas and New Year and every bank holiday.
Prices from April 2023.
£22.50 – half a session (morning or afternoon)
£45.00 – full day
Additional cost of £2.00 7.30 – 8.00 (breakfast included)
Meals – Lunch £1.70. Tea £1.70 (morning and afternoon snacks are included)
We take child care vouchers. Please see link for more information.
Our Ethos
The ethos of a setting is the set of beliefs, morals and ideas fundamental to everything that happens within that setting.
We have revisited our vision and values as a whole nursery, reflecting upon cultural capital, and the EYFS curriculum.
What makes us special and how we prepare our children for their futures success?
The views of our staff, governors, parents and children are essential to what we do, and help us develop our practice.
Our Vision
Is about giving our children the best possible start to their early education. We ensure we build excellent partnerships where everyone is motivated to achieve, enjoy and develop together. Through a safe, stimulating environment we can help our children experience ‘awe and wonder’ of the world in which they live.
Watch our video tour-
Little Acorn’s Room – children aged 0-2 years
Oak Leaves Room – children aged 2 – 3 years
Mighty Oaks Room – preschool children aged three plus
Watch our video tour-
Our Mission
We will nurture children’s educational, social and emotional development in order that they become independent, responsible and resilient learners.
Our Values
These values underpin our philosophy; independent, caring, inspirational, enjoyment, achievement and partnership
2 Year Old Funding – Am I Eligible?
In addition, many families across Sunderland can benefit from free childcare places for two year olds.
Families must be in receipt of one of the following benefits to be eligible for a place:
- Income Support
- Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit (including Working Tax Credit) and have an income below £16,190
- Have a child that receives Disability Living Allowance for children
- Current statement for Special educational needs or and Education Health care plan
- Have a child that is in the care of the local authority
- An adopted child
Free 30 hours Childcare for 3 & 4 Year Olds with Working Parents
The way 30 hours works that from September 2017 if you are a working parent of a 3-4 year old earning under 100,000 each with all parents in the home working over 16 hours you are eligible for 2 and a half days of free childcare!
Please go to CHILDCARE CHOICES – fill in your details and contact us with your code to reserve your child’s place!
Places are limited and subject to eligibility and availability
Heuristic play
Heuristic play describes the activity of babies and children as they play with and explore the properties of ‘objects’. These ‘objects’ are things from the real world. For toddlers, the question posed when participating in heuristic play is ‘What can I do with this object?’. Toddlers have a natural curiosity to explore, and experiment with the different ways by investigating with all the physical possibilities of an object, by rolling, filling, stacking, dumping, fitting things inside each other, balancing and manipulating an object in every possible way. By freely exploring in this way they can make discoveries about how the world works, such as gravity, spacial awareness, which builds their cognitive development, hand/eye co-ordination and fine and gross motor skills. These skills are to support the children’s learning and for future success.
for more information visits –
Launchpad for Literacy
Launchpad for Literacy is an approach to embed our current practice, pedagogical ethos and learning environment, that focus on children’s skill progress. The skill steps are in relation to early experiences and futures learning by creating opportunities through high-quality interactions involving language enrichment through high-quality teaching and general practice.
The aims are to:
1) Identifying the impact from implementing a pre ‘literacy’ skills approach in early years.
2) Exploring an effective pre-skills based approach – Secure foundations, preparing children in readiness for phonics.
3) Accelerating progress and closing attainment gaps in early years.
To do this we are going to support children’s learning by focusing on Communication and language activities; Play-based learning; Interactive story-book reading; Physical and creative activities and by Support for parents to encourage learning at home.
Read our Ofsted Report“Children interact positively and form good friendships with their peers. Staff provide them with a vast number of opportunities to recognise how to manage their own feelings and emotions.”
“Staff know children well and are fully aware of what children need to learn next. They frequently observe and assess children from their starting points. Staff take action to narrow any potential gaps in children’s development”
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. All schools and Ofsted-registered early years’ providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes. There are core documents produced nationally to support us in meeting the requirements. They are available to download below.
Areas of learning
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSE)
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Characteristics of Effective Learning
- Playing and exploring – engagement
- Active learning – motivation
- Creating and thinking critically – thinking
If you have a concern about a child or any member of our school community please speak to Mr C. Robson or one of our deputy safeguarding leads, Ms J. Thexton, Mrs P. Walmsley or Mrs A. Cutts (New Beginnings).
Please contact the school office if you wish to speak to any of our named designated persons or would like a copy of our Child Protection Policy.
Special Educational Needs and Disability
New Beginnings welcomes its general responsibilities to the Equality Act 2010, and the Public Sector Equality Duty. Please also refer to our Equality and Diversity Policy (containing Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication).We are a fully inclusive school. We aim to ensure all children experience a fully accessible environment, curriculum and quality of experience by seeking to remove barriers. This is in accordance with support and advice from external partners such as the Local Authority, specialist SEN support teams, medical professionals and EMAS team where appropriate.
Equality and Inclusion
ensure no pupils are treat less favourably than their peers, we monitor and
review our Accessibility Plan. This plan describes our commitment to
disability equality. We firmly believe in equality of opportunity for all and
are committed to playing our part in removing barriers actively promoting
equality in everything we do. In accordance with the DfE guidelines, as stated
in the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Rangers 2019, we will consider 3 main
1. increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the
school’s curriculum,
2. improving the physical environment of the school for the purpose of
increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of
education and benefits, facilities or services provided or offered by the
3. improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is readily
accessible to pupils who are not disabled.
A child in the early years has a recognised disability that will require ongoing support; the early years SEND pathway should be followed.
Compliments and Complaints
New Beginnings Nursery is constantly trying to improving the service delivered. We aim to help all children develop their full potential, achieving the highest possible standards in all aspects of their education.
We want to provide the highest standard of service by continuously improving our systems and methods of working. We need to know when you are unhappy so that we can put it right. Also, if we get things rights we would also appreciate your comments.
Parents comments
“Both my children started their early education in New Beginnings Nursery. Fantastic environment, professional and very friendly staff. They are more than a nursery they are like an extension to your family, as they really care. I would highly recommend this nursery to anyone.”
“This is a brilliant nursery! Great staff who are also very friendly. My daughter loved this nursery and soon my youngest daughter will attend this nursery too!”
Mrs Ashley Cutts : Manager
Telephone: 0191 561 8268