- Head Teacher: Mr C. Robson (Safeguarding Lead)
- Deputy Head Teacher: Miss J. Thexton (SENCO, Deputy Safeguarding Lead)
- School Business Manager: Mrs L. Robson (Data Protection Officer)
- New Beginnings Manager: Mrs A. Cutts (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)
- EYFS Phase Leader: Mrs A. Wake (Maths Lead)
- KS1 Leader: Mrs C. Magrath (Phonics Lead)
- Lower Key Stage 2 Leader: Mrs L. Stephenson (Maths Lead)
- Upper Key Stage 2 Leader: Miss H. Hetherington (Literacy Lead)
New Beginnings Manager: Ashley Cutts (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)
Room Lead / Early Years Practitioner: Sarah Huntingdon (on Maternity Leave)
Room Lead / Early Years Practitioner: Nicola Young
Room Lead / Early Years Practitioner: Sarah Cairns
Early Years Practitioner: Anthony Donkin
Early Years Practitioner: Emma Smith
Early Years Practitioner: Brooke Wilson
Early Years Practitioner: Emma Bradwell
Early Years Practitioner: Molly Wilkinson
Tea Time Kitchen Assistant: Andrea Watson
Learn more about New BeginningsNursery Teacher: Mrs M. Pattison
Teaching Assistant: Miss H. Livingston
Teaching Assistant: Mrs L. Dryden
Teaching Assistant : Mrs T. Everett
EYFS Phase Lead / Reception Teacher: Mrs A. Wake
Reception Key Worker: Mrs M. Hewitt (Pastoral team and EYFS Medical Lead)
Year 1 Teacher: Miss B. Dickinson (OPAL Lead)
Year 1 Teacher: Miss K. Brook (Art Lead)
KS1 Lead / Year 2 Teacher: Mrs C. Magrath (Phonics Lead)
Year 2 Teacher: Mrs L. Dennison (School Council co-ordinator)
Year 2 Teacher: Mrs A. Hanna (ICT Lead)
Teaching Assistant: Miss K Banks (KS1 Medical Lead)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs C. Williams
Lower KS2 Lead / Year 3 Teacher : Mrs L. Stephenson (Geography co-ordinator)
Year 3 Teacher: Miss M. Stronach
Year 3 Teacher: Mrs G. Barker (Science Lead) (on Maternity Leave)
Year 3 Teacher: Mrs A. Skipp (R.E Lead)
Year 4 Teacher: Mrs M. Smith (Website co-ordinator)
Year 4 Teacher: Miss R. Woodey (OPAL Lead)
Year 4/5 Teacher: Miss A. Slater (Science Lead/ School Council Lead)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs J. Simpson
Support Assistant: Miss N. Bilton
Support Assistant: Miss R. Stoker
Year 5 Teacher: Mrs C. Seaman (Music co-ordinator)
Year 5 Teacher: Mrs C. Waddell (PE co-ordinator)
Upper Key Stage 2 Lead / Year 6 Teacher: Miss H. Hetherington (Literacy Lead)
Year 6 Teacher: Mrs C. Beresford (ICT co-ordinator)
Year 6 Teacher: Miss J. Forster (History co-ordinator)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs P. Purvis (UKS2 Medical Lead)
Teaching Assistant: Mr A. Curd (UKS2 Medical Lead)
Teacher: Mrs S. Mahone
Teacher: Mrs E. Foxton (MFL co-ordinator)
Support Assistant: Mrs B. Knowles
Teaching Assistant : Miss N. Cogdon (Medical Lead)
Teaching Assistant : Miss K. Guthrie
Teaching Assistant: Miss M. Robson
Teaching Assistant Apprentice: Miss D. Jeffrey
School Business Manager : Mrs L. Robson (Data Protection Officer)
Secretaries: Mrs C. Phillips / Miss D. Hutchinson
Site Supervisor: Mr J. Percy
Educational Psychologist: Mrs A. Price
IT Support: Mr A. Kerby
- Mrs A. Glanville
- Mrs C. Johnson
- Miss B. Burke
- Mrs V. Furey
- Mrs M. Cowell
- Miss K. Henderson
Lunchtime Supervisors
- Mrs C. Schonewald (Lead Supervisor and OPAL lead)
- Mrs C. Johnson
- Mrs B. Morton
- Mrs T. Gray
- Mrs M. James
- Mrs S. Collier
- Miss L. Dorian
- Miss K. Henderson
Kitchen Staff
- Mrs A. Watson (Cook in Charge)
- Mrs J. Hawes (Assistant Cook in Charge)
- Mrs J. Stewart (on Maternity Leave)
- Ms N. Fullwood
- Mrs V. Furey
- Mrs C. Leadbitter