Look at our Literacy work…

Over the last few weeks I have been looking at the Literacy work across school and I am so impressed. Beyond impressed!

It has been a difficult few months for the children at Southwick Community Primary School with being off for almost 3 months due to another lock-down so I am VERY pleased with the quality of Literacy work that has been produced across our wonderful school.

We have had children in Year 6 write about Macbeth, children in Year 5 create their own poems based on ‘The Listeners’ and children in Year 4 develop their very own character descriptions. Year 3 have been looking at up-leveling by using a range of techniques, Year 2 have been writing their own descriptions about a ‘Brick Tower’ and practicing their handwriting for some beautiful Easter cards. It really has been a busy few weeks!

On top of all of their writing the children have also been reading every day, they have been working on their phonic sounds and spellings and have even been looking at some difficult grammar! WOW!

Here are a few pictures of our wonderful boys and girls – Can you spot anyone you know?

Thank you everyone at Southwick – I can’t wait to see your work after Easter!

Miss Hetherington 🙂


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