Rewards 10th February 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Annabelle Wrathall for your amazing maths this week and using the number line to subtract-well done!

Year 2: Stevie Jo-Ross, your attitude to everything you have done this week-you are amazing! Miles McBurnie, you were fantastic when counting in steps of 5-well done! Ava Dempster, you have had a lovely week and have been so helpful and made the right choices-well done!

Year 3: Evah Dixon, for your amazing money work this week-you have blown us away-well done! Steven Doran, your attitude to reading is impressing us every day-keep it up!

Year 4: Dahla Appleby, for the determination and hard work you have been showing in maths lessons-well done! Michael Graham, you have been working so hard in numeracy and history this week-well done!

Year 5: Isabella Dickson, you have been an absolute maths star and on fire this week-well done! Jack Robinson, you always put 100% effort into everything you do-you are a star!

Year 6: Brendan Dorothy, you worked well with others when making our Mayan masks-well done! Jessica Callaghan, this is for simply being you-you are an amazing young lady and an absolute pleasure to have in class-well done!


This week’s focus was to help others achieve their goals-we have worked really hard supporting each other so well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Jack Quinn, you always use kind words to encourage and motivate your friends-well done!

Year 2: Daisy Towle, you have been so helpful with your peers-thank you! Layla Newton, you helped our new friend settle into year 2-well done! Olivia Davies, you always encourage your friends to do their best-well done!

Year 3: Lucas Brown, you are helping achieve the goal of improving our outdoor area-well done! Lola Smith, you always encourage and support your friends to show off their talents-well done!

Year 4: Kalvin Dorothy, you were a great partner and supported your friend well in lessons-well done! Siana Middleton, you are always happy to support others and help people-well done!

Year 5: Frankie Strong, you helped your friends finish their DT work-well done! Calum Kennedy, you are always a kind and supportive friend-well done!

Year 6: Molly Skinner, you are such a kind and supportive friend who always helps others-well done! Frazer Brown, this is for simply being you! You support everyone with your kind and supportive words-well done!

Head teacher Shout Out!

Usha and Isaac in year 6 have massively impressed this week with their wonderful character descriptions of the Higwayman in role as Bess-they were amazing boys-well done!


This week’s winners are Class 12 with 98.4% Well done Class 12!


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