Rewards 10th June 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Taylor Lusby, you have had a fantastic week demonstrating lots of knowledge. you have used your scientific brain, well done! Harper Harrison, you have had some fantastic answers in our topic lessons this week, excellent work! Darci Lee, you have set a good example to all of your friends this week, keep it up! Payge Galer, you have worked so hard this week in your maths lessons, fantastic effort!

Year 1: Kye-Barker Robins, your reading aloud was amazing-so clear with lovely expression-well done, Kye! Maddox Ellison and kira Richardson, you have been superstars reading words with set 1, 2 and 3 sounds-well done both of you!

Year 2: Sam Burlinson, your effort with column addition this week was amazing-well done, Sam! Lily Lawson, you created a fantastic fact file about William Shakespeare-well done, Lily!

Year 3: Talia Drinkald, you are a fantastic help in class and a great role model-well done, Talia! Cory Davies, you try your very best in all areas of school life and you’re a super star-well done, Cory!

Year 4: Harley Jeffrey, your contributions to our science investigation into the digestive system were fabulous-well done, Harley! Lucas Hubbert, you were so mature and showed great leadership skills during our digestive system investigation-well done, Lucas!

Year 5: Mrs Skipp’s Literacy Group, your performance of Henry the V’s speech for Shakespeare Week was amazing! Well done all of you! Jayden Doran, you have impressed us all massively with your reading-keep it up! Brendan Dorothy, your participation in science lessons this week has been amazing-you are a star! Well done, Brendan! Jae Gladstone, your enthusiasm when reading Romeo and Juliet this week was amazing-well done, Jae!

Year 6: Jayden Docherty, this is for your effort, enthusiasm and an amazing discussion text this week-well done, Jayden! Abby Sommerford, this is for simply being you; your attitude and behaviour is excellent-well done, Abby! Caitlin Thompson, you wrote a fabulous discussion text based on the suitability of social media for children-well done, Caitlin!


This week’s focus was to understand that everyone is unique and special. We know that it would be boring if everyone was the same and we celebrate differences all the time!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Maddison Curry, you always give compliments to your friends regardless of differences-well done, Maddison! Adam Oliver, you know how everyone is different and special in their own way-well done, Adam! Benjamin Knowlson, you think about your friends at all times-well done, Benjamin!

Year 2: Lily Shakesby, you recognise what is special about your friends-well done, Lily! Finley Broome-Letson, you celebrate ways your classmates are special-well done, Finley!

Year 3: James Short, you always have a kind word for everyone in year 3-well done, James! Dahla Appleby, you are always there to support your friends and celebrate what makes them special-well done, Dahla!

Year 4: Henry Gowland, you are aware that everyone has their own special characteristics that make them ‘them’-well done, Henry! Jayden Tumwyukye, you can discuss what makes someone unique-well done, Jayden!

Year 5: Eleanor Jackson, you are such a fantastic friend that appreciates everyone’s differences-well done, Eleanor! Jasmine Doughty, you celebrate how everyone is unique-you are an amazing friend-well done, Jasmine! Logan Foot, you are so kind to others and make everyone feel special-well done, Logan!

Year 6: Alanah Robson, you recognise your own unique and special qualities, especially when helping your siblings-well done, Alanah! Eden Sampson, you are kind and considerate to everyone-well done, Eden! Jamie Sanderson, you treat everyone with respect regardless of difference-well done, Jamie!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Another wonderful week in school with our wonderful children. Mr Robson is over the moon with Jaycie-Leigh Conlon, Abigail Luckham and Sophia Robinson as they have created a beautiful art sculpture in the sensory room-well done, Ladies!

Marcus Anderson is our Useful and Kind certificate winner this week as he nurtured the caterpillars in year 6 and helped release them when they were butterflies-well done, Marcus!


This week’s winners are Class 10 with 98.5% Well done Class 10!


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