Rewards 10th May 2024

This week’s merit certifiates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Melvin Alabi, you are trying so hard to build friendships and it is so lovely to see you ejoying your play-keep it up and well done! Jafar Zamel, you have been so inquisitive during English lessons and have asked amazing questions-well done!

Year 2: Deacon Templeton, you have been trying really hard to independently segment and blend in all of you lessons-well done! Cayson Stubbs, you have been making the right choices in school and have been trying your best in everything you do-well done! Darci Lee, you are an absolute star! You always try your best and are so kind to everyone-well done!

Year 3: Sofia Ball, this is for being a fantastic member of class 8-you always try your best and are a brilliant role model-well done! Jack Arnold, your skills in cricket when batting were amazing-well done! Birsen Askoy, you aways try hard in maths, even when you find something tricky-well done!

Year 4: Paris Wisemand and Fraser McLaughlin achieved their pen licence this week as their handwriting has improved massively! Well done both of you! Mercy Osho, Your Heather Galler inspired art work was so intricate and beautifully designed-well done!

Year 5: James Short, your attitude towards your school work this week has been amazing and you have put 100% effort into everything-well done! Tommy Lusby, you have made such a fantastic effort with your handwriting-keep it up!

Year 6: Daniel Ishola, you are putting 100% into everything you do-you love to impress and we are impressed! Well done!

This week’s focus was to show respect in how you treat others. It was so hard to choose our winners this week as manners and respect are so high in our school-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: David Azubuike, you are always kind and have lovely manners-well done! Bennett Donnigan, you are kind to everyone! Well done!

Year 2: Lucas Jones, you are always so kind to everyone ad are a credit to our school-well done! Charlie Edmonds, you are kind and respectful to everyone you meet-well done! Lily Harding, you always see someone else’s point of view-well done!

Year 3: Ronnie Green, you have lovely manners at all times-well done! Harvey Stobbart, you are always well mannered and repectful-well done!

Year 4: Mia Pearson, you are kind and respectful to everyone and at all times-you are a true role model! Jace Huggins, you are a kind, polite and thoughtful young man-well done!

Year 5: Michael Graham, you always help others when playing-well done! Ella Jenkins, you are a wonderful team player and role model to all-well done!

Year 6: Leah Reynolds, you always show respect to everyone and are a fatastic role model-well done!

Deacon Templeton and Denni-Joe Rochester have massively impressed this week with their excellent phonics work-keep it up boys and very well done!

This week’s winners are Class…


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