Rewards 10th September

It’s been smiles all round for everyone this week! Everyone has come back to school amazingly well and the atmosphere has been fantastic-you are all amazing!

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Harvey Stobbart, this certificate is for settling brilliantly into year 1! Keep being kind and smiling lots and lots! Keegan Smith, you have shared your thoughts and feelings using the Zones of Regulation this week and you have been amazing! Well done, Keegan! Joe Scott, this is for settling into class 3 beautifully and trying your best in everything you have done-well done!

Year 2: Ivan Glover, this is for your fantastic sitting and listening skills this week during circle time-we are very proud Ivan! Ruby Jurdison, this is for coming into year 2 so ready to learn! Keep it up you absolute star!

Year 3: Amelia Ratcliff, this is for having a fabulous start to our school-you have made us all so very proud with your eager attitude! Keep it up Amelia! Harry Brown, this is for your incredible attitude all week! You have blown us away with your sensational answers and ideas in class discussions! Well done, Harry!

Year 4: Class 10, you have had a fantastic first week in school and have all been amazing! We are very proud, well done! Luke Stothard, you have returned to school with such a great attitude and have tried so hard in all pof your POP tasks too-well done, Luke!

Year 5: Class 13, you have massively impressed your adults this week with your wonderful first week in school-well done! Leah Nicholson, Lily Brewis and Evie Harrison-this is for your fantastic teamwork when building your bridge this week-we were so impressed with your cooperation skills! Class 14, you have made such a wonderful impression this week-you are all stars!

Year 6: Kadie Wilson, you have settled brilliantly into year 6 and your attitude has been lovely-thank you for making us smile! Bailey Hall, this is for always keeping a smile on everyone’s faces with your fantastic sense of humour-you are a star! Billy Robbins, this is for being a wonderful member of year 6 and making us all very proud-well done Billy!


This week’s focus was to make others feel welcome and we have all certainly done this very well indeed! It was so hard to choose certificate winners this week!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lincoln Percy, you have helped your friends so much this week with resources in the classroom and with their work-what a star! Well done, Lincoln! Connor Smith, you have been amazing this week and have made everyone feel welcome as you have shared all of your toys-well done, Connor! Faith Watson, thank you very much for making everyone feel welcome and for being so helpful to your friends! Well done, Faith!

Year 2: Nour Sharaf, your lovely smile has welcomed everyone this week-thank you! All of year 2, this is for making everyone feel so very welcome-you are all stars! Well done, year 2!

Year 3: Maisie McCririe, you have made all of your friends in year 3 feel welcome, we are very proud-well done! All of year 3, you have all welcomed Amelia into our school brilliantly-you have made us and yourselves very proud! Well done, year 3!

Year 4: Lacey Clark, you have helped to make class 10 (and everyone in it) a very happy place to be! Well done, Lacey! Lola Richardson, you have made everyone feel welcome by always letting everyone play with you on the yard-thank you Lola! Molly Skinner, you are such a kind and caring friend and always make everyone feel welcome-well done, Molly!

Year 5: Class 13, you have all been so kind and welcoming to each other during your first few days in year 5-well done! Daniel Smith, this is for being a kind and caring addition to year 5 and class 12-we are so pleased to have you! Well done, Daniel! Class 12, you have all been so supportive of each other-you are such a lovely bunch and we are so pleased and proud to be your teachers! Well done year 5!

Year 6: Class 16, you have not only made your teachers feel welcome, you have been amazing and welcoming to everyone! A huge well done you amazing people! Class 15, you have all made Miss Hetherington feel so welcome as your new teacher-we couldn’t wipe the smile off her face! Well done, Everyone! Class 17, you have all been so welcoming to everyone and we would like to thank you all for being such a lovely class-well done to everyone in year 6!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson hasn’t got enough certificates this week as he says everyone deserves one! He has walked around school this week with the biggest smile on his face and has been the proudest head teacher in Sunderland! Thank you for a brilliant week everyone!


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