Rewards 11th December 2020

This week’s Jigsaw Certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ivan Glover, you have impressed Mrs Jardine this week with your kind words to your friends! Jessica Flynn, you have impressed Miss Atkinson this week as you are always kind and lovely to everyone in year 1-well done you two!

Year 2: Amelia Catcheside, you have impressed Miss Brook this week as you always compliment your friends’ work. She loves seeing you smile when you receive compliments for your work too! Olivia Humphries, Miss Turner is over the moon as you always find kind words to say to your friends and the teachers-well done girls!

Year 3: Faith Davies, Mrs Stephenson has a huge smile on her face this week as you suggested fantastic compliments for your friends-well done! Mrs Foxton and Mrs Mahone are super proud of Aamari Armstrong as you are always kind and have kind things to say about your friends! Well done year 3!

Year 4: Kenzie Phillips, you have massively impressed Mrs Smith this week as you are always so polite and well-mannered to everyone in school-well done! Lainey-Rae Brett, Mrs Seaman and Mrs Waddell are so happy with the way you always give compliments to all children and staff in our school-well done! Macie Crinson, you have impressed Mrs Moran this week as you are always kind to your classmates! Well done year 4!

Year 5: Harry Ewart, Miss Slater is smiling even more this week because of your lovely manners and the way you love to make your friends smile-well done Harry! Samanta Borsut, you have impressed Miss Forster and Mrs Beresford this week as you are always so thoughtful and kind-well done you two!

Year 6: Emily Rain, you have made Miss Hetherington even happier this week as you love saying nice things to other people and their work! Mrs Watson is super impressed with Layla Nilsson this week as you are always mindful of being kind and you constantly compliment your friends’ work in literacy! Maisy McConville, you have made Mrs Barker smile this week as you are always kind and complimentary to everyone-keep it up year 6!

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Reception: Louie Clark is Zebra Group’s star for your amazing singing in your Nativity performance-well done Louie! Stevie-Jo Ross is Giraffe Group’s star as you are always kind and caring-well done Stevie-Jo! Harvey-Lee Stobbart from the Lion Group as you always think of others and make them feel special-well done Harvey-Lee! Keep up the good work reception!

Year 1: Layla Fenbow-Miss Atkinson says you are a star for making the right choices this week-keep it up Layla! Mrs Jardine is super proud of Paris Wiseman for just being the star you are! She says you are a happy and hardworking member of year 1! Well done girls!

Year 2: Kai Johnson, your fabulous number work this week has earned you this certificate from Miss Turner. She says you have impressed everyone so much with your addition and subtraction skills-well done! Conal Murphy, Miss Brook is so impressed with you trying new foods every day this week-you are starting to make healthy choices and she is so proud-keep it up! Layad Mangure, you have put a huge smile on everyone’s face this week as your first week at our school has been amazing-you have settled in brilliantly and we are so lucky to have you at Southwick-well done Layad! Well done year 2!

Year 3: Lucas Hubbert, you have impressed Mrs Stephenson with your brilliant understanding of compass points when designing SATNAV instructions for Santa-well done! Mrs Foxton and Mrs Mahone are so proud of Jayden Tumwijukye this week for your fantastic attitude towards reading-keep up that fantastic reading at home! Well done year 3!

Year 4: Lilley Addison, you have made Mrs Smith so proud this week for cheering everyone up with your positive attitude and beautiful smile-well done Lilley! Molly Skinner, you have impressed Mrs Waddell and Mrs Seaman this week for always trying your best and for the lovely effort you put in to making your Christmas card! Logan Storey, you have impressed Mrs Moran this week for learning and remembering lots of facts about animals in science! Corey Clark-you have impressed every adult in school with your kindness and being an excellent friend! Well done year 4!

Year 5: Landi Mangure, you have made a fantastic impression on Miss Slater during your first week at Southwick, we are so happy to have you at our school-well done! Miss Slater’s Literacy Group have also massively impressed her too with your fantastic newspaper reports about Edgar the Dragon! Riley Allan, you have made Miss Forster and Mrs Beresford smile this week with your fantastic column addition work this week! Keep it up year 5!

Year 6: Maise Proctor, you have impressed Miss Hetherington for always trying hard in your numeracy and working so hard to complete your division questions-well done Masie! Mrs Barker is so impressed with Heidi Dorward this week for your hard work in literacy-you are doing so well and she is really proud-well done Heidi! Mrs Watson’s Maths Set have made her super proud this week as you never gave up at all-well done all of you! Keep it up year 6!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has been really busy this week giving out his awards-the smile on his face has been huge and he is so impressed with everyone in school this week!

In year 4, Lainey-Rae Brett got her 2nd certificate this week (well done Lainey you absolute star!) for her amazing homework. The effort and presentation are beautiful and Mr Robson can’t stop smiling about it-well done!

Our youngest children in school knocked Mr Robson’s socks off this week with their robot model. Harper, Kiyan and Grace made this amazing robot with Miss Huntingdon and Mr Robson said it looked so real! Well done New Beginnings!


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