Rewards 12th February 2021

It has been a very busy half term and we are massively missing our children who are learning from home. There have been lots of activities happening linked to Valentines Day and of course it’s been snowing!

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Sean-James Woodhouse, you have worked hard all week and tried cooking biscuits and making sandwiches this week for our Valentines party-well done!

Reception: Emily Cruickshanks you have impressed everyone in school this week for always trying your best and being kind and helpful-well done, Emily!

Year 1: Ivan Glover, you are a star this week for just being you! What a happy and funny character you are-well done, Ivan!

Year 2: Isaac Brown, you are a star this week for your fabulous attitude to your learning-we are all so proud-keep it up!

Year 4: Lily Brewis-your fantastic persuasive speech has earned you this certificate-you have a super attitude towards your work! Deacon Stokell, this certificate is for your brilliant speechand your outstanding behaviour in school-you are an absolute star! Lilley Addison, this certificate is for always having an enthusiastic and positive attitude towards your work-we are so proud! Well done year 4!

Year 5: Marcus Anderson – You have been awarded this merit certificate for trying so hard with your reading and for the amazing drawings you have produced, well done, Marcus! Landi Mangure – Your fantastic effort with your reading has earned you this certificate-you are a star! 

Year 6: Owen Sheldon – for being a wonderful member of Year 6. For always doing the right thing, putting 100% effort into everything you do and for trying new activities, even though they might not be for you. You are a true role model! Mark Taylor – for your amazing storying writing and telling skills. You have a wonderful imagination, a great tone to your stories and you have a great ability to engage the audience when reading out loud. Fantastic work Mark!

Our Home Learning Heroes this week are…

Nursery: Renesmee Burlinson, you are a Home Learning Hero this week for trying your best when doing your Valentines activities at home-well done!

Reception: Adam Alderi, you are a homework superstar for always doing your work and joining live learning-you are amazing!

Year 1: Samuel Burlinson, you are a Home Learning Hero this week for your fantastic effort with your home learning-keep it up!

Year 2: James Short, you are a Home Learning Hero this week for your continuous efforts-you have impressed us so much with your retell this week-well done!

Year 4: Grace Wallace, you are a Home Learning Hero for your perseverance with your home learning-we are all very proud! Lucas Jarvis-you have worked so hard all term on your home learning-you are amazing! Mia Jarvis-you have worked so hard all term too and we couldn’t be any prouder! Well done year 4!  

Year 5: Jamie Sanderson – You have been awarded this homework superstar certificate for your amazing effort on our online learning sessions and for the wonderful work you have produced-well done Jamie!  Ava Gladstone – You have been awarded this homework superstar certificate for always trying so hard on our online learning sessions. You are a star! Sophia Robinson – You have been awarded this homework superstar certificate for your amazing effort and contributions to our online learning sessions-keep it up!  Alanah Robson – You have been awarded this homework superstar certificate for always putting 100% effort into your homework tasks and our online learning sessions-well done, Alanah!

Year 6: Jaycie-Lee Smith – for always trying your best during our online lessons. You have been a pleasure to teach – even through a screen! Louis Jackson – for being simply wonderful in our online lessons. For using your wonderful imagination when writing a persuasive advert! Your reading voice engaged the audience, and we would definitely want to buy your products-well done, Louie!  Lewis Bestford – for trying super hard during our online lessons and working really hard on your improving your spellings. We are all so proud! Emily Rain – for your amazing work online. You always have your virtual hand up and you are an absolute pleasure to teach. Keep up all the hard work!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Theon Luckham-your Egyptian head dress is amazing! Thank you for all of the effort you have put into this and you look brilliant!

Neeve Conlon-you made our hearts burst with pride with your beautiful Valentines poem-your handwriting and presentation are beautiful too!

Thank you Mrs Jardine!

Today is a sad day in Southwick! It is Mrs Jardine’s last day as she is leaving us to train the next generation of teachers at Sunderland University. She has been an amazing member of our Southwick team for MANY years and she will be greatly missed but we all wish her so well in her new career-thank you Mrs Jardine for everything you have done for our school community-we will miss you!


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