Rewards 12th November 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Nylah Foot, this is for trying really hard with your touch counting and your RWI sounds! Well done, Nylah! Renesmee Burlinson, you have been so brave this week and showing great courage in front of your friends-what a star you are! Leyton Smith, you have tried so hard in your number group this week-you have been a maths whizz! Well done, Leyton! Scarlett Robins, you have worked brilliantly in literacy this week and you are able to name all of your body parts! Well done, Scarlett!

Year 1: Dainton Templeton, your segmenting and blending during RWI has been amazing this week-you have improved so much! Well done, Dainton! Lincoln Bell, your drawing of the trenches was amazing and fantastically detailed-well done, Lincoln! Connor Smith, you have amazed everyone in school this week with your questions about Remembrance Day-what a star!

Year 2: Paris Wiseman, your reading in RWI has been amazing this week, you have made us all so proud! Well done, Paris! Steven Doran, you have produced some excellent work in topic lessons this week and we are so very proud! Well done, Steven!

Year 3: Siana Middleton, your enthusiasm and effort in all lessons this week has been amazing! Keep it up you absolute star! Carly Bewick, you have had a sensational week in school and you have worked hard in every lesson-we are so proud Carly, well done!

Year 4: Amari Armstrong, this is for the brilliant attitude you have to your home reading! Well done and keep up the great work! Jenny Fenwick, this is for your great participation in music this week. Your listening and appraisal skills were fantastic! Well done, Jenny!

Year 5: Summer Willis, your black out poem was amazing this week-you thought so carefully about your word choices! Well done, Summer! Jae Gladstone, you have put 100% effort into all subjects again this week-you always try your best in everything and we are so proud! Well done, Jae! Logan Foot, your amazing homework linked to WWII has made us all so very proud-well done, Logan!

Year 6: Delaney Templeton, your knowledge of WWI and our Remembrance topic has been amazing-you have amazed us all week! Well done, Delaney! Archie McKenzie, your maths this week has been fantastic-you are a maths whizz with long division! Well done, Archie! Oliver Dennis, your letter writing in literacy was amazing! The effort you are putting into your work is fantastic! Well done, Oliver!


This week’s focus was to include others when working and playing and this is another area we are fantastic in. We are such a kind and considerate bunch is has proven difficult again to choose who the certificate winners were!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Miles McBurnie, you always include everyone and you are such a lovely friend! Thank you Miles! Carson King, you are great at listening and including everyone’s ideas in class discussions-well done, Carson! Joe Scott, you are so kind to your friends and always involve them in games-well done, Joe!

Year 2: Keeron Roberts, you always work well with your perfect partner in RWI-well done, Keeron! Lily Lawson, you work brilliantly with others in all lessons-well done, Lily!

Year 3: Aston Burlinson, you are an amazing friend and you always make sure everyone is included. Thank you Aston! Dahla Appleby, you are incredibly caring and supportive of everyone in lessons-thank you Dahla!

Year 4: Faith Davies, you are always willing to include everyone, all of the time! Thank you Faith! Benjamin Nicholson, you are such a kind, caring and considerate member of our school-thank you Benjamin!

Year 5: Jasmine Doughty, you are such a kind and caring friend who loves to help others-you are a star Jasmine! Riley Wilkinson, you are always a thoughtful and considerate member of our school! Thank you Riley! Lily Rain, you are always an amazing friend to all-thank you Lily!

Year 6: Josh Wallwork, you always check others are happy both in school and on the yard! Thank you Josh! Alyx Thompson, you are such a lovely young lady that you always invite others into your friendship group-you won’t see anyone left out-well done, Alyx! Lacey McCully, you are always such a kind and considerate young lady to everyone! Thank you Lacey!

Head teacher Shout Out!

Miss Brook’s Art Club have massively impressed Mr Robson this week with your contribution to Remembrance at The Green. We cannot wait to see your wonderful poppies displayed on the Cenotaph! Well done Art Club! Mr Robson is also over the moon with Year 5. Your enthusiasm and behaviour on your trip to Beamish was amazing and we are all so very proud of you all! Well done, Year 5!


This week’s winners are Class…


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