Rewards 13th December 2024

This week’s certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Anders Alderi, you are an amazing mathematician and have really impressed us with your speedy recall of addition and subtraction facts-well done! Harley Raeper, your attitude towards everything is fantastic-you are such a lovely young man-well done!

Year 2: Rio Spencer, your pointilism flame you created was amazing. We loved how you mixed paints and used different tones-well done! Dakota-Ann Lee, your art work this week in the style of Georges Seurat was amazing-well done!

Year 3: Deacon Templeton, you have been so independent this week and have tried so hard in everything-we are so proud! Dennijoe Rochester, you are trying so hard with your reading and have made massive improvements-well done! Sophia Wilson, you always try your best in everything you do-well done!

Year 4: Connor Smith, this is for simply being you! You are such a kind, polite and well-mannered young man-well done! Jack Arnold, you have tried so hard with your times tables-keep it up-well done! Ava Dempster, your responses in PSHE this week were so thoughtful and mature-well done! Joe Scott, your efforts in music are fantastic and you have an amazing range when singing-well done!

Year 5: All of Year 5, your behaviour at the pantomime was fabulous and you were excellent ambassadors for our school-a great start to Christmas-well done!

Year 6: Your attitude and behaviour at the panto was also excellent-you were all amazing! Jesse Richardson, you have made an excellent start to your Christmas story-we cannot wait for you to finish-well done!

Upper Key Stage 2 massively impressed on their trip this week to the panto-you were all excellent ambassadors for our school-well done! Harvey Stobbart achieved his brown belt in karate this week too-well done Harvey!

This week’s winners are Class 10 with 100% Well done Class 10!


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