Rewards 13th January 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Njah-Lee Wright, your reading in RWI this week has been amazing-well done! Harper Smith, you have tried really hard in topic lessons when answering questions-well done!

Year 2: Harvey Stobbart, you learned some brilliant facts about our continents-well done! Benjamin Knowlson, you shared our fantastic geographical knowledge about different continents-well done!

Year 3: Lily Shakesby, You always give 100% effort in everything you do-well done! Lucas Brown, your enthusiasm toward our new topic is wonderful-you are a font of Roman knowledge!

Year 4: Mofolafoluwa Adenuga, you have had a great first week at Southwick and we are very lucky to have you! Rochelle Anderson, your maths work has been amazing this week-well done! Conal Murphy, your enthusiasm in science has been amazing-well done!

Year 5: Riley Foot, you have tried so hard in literacy this week and your work has been wonderful! Leah Reynolds, you have participated wonderfully in all lessons this week-well done!

Year 6: Lexie Johnson and Bayley Galer, you both showed real courage in your first swimming lesson and we are so proud! Casey Brown, this is for simply being you! You are kind, caring and considerate to everyone-thank you!


This week’s focus was to stay motivated when doing something challenging. Resilience is such a good skill to have and we talked all about the benefits this week.

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Miles Joshua, you persevere when doing something tricky-well done! Leyton Smith, you worked so hard catching up in RWI-well done!

Year 2: Dante McHenry, you didn’t give up with your writing in RWI-well done! Georgie Hylton, you didn’t give up in your numbers to 20 pop task-well done!

Year 3: Jade Pearson, you always try so hard in swimming lessons-well done! Aleksy, you always have a positive mindset when solving problems in maths-well done!

Year 4: Aj Harrison, you always persevere and try your best in all lessons-well done! Maisie McCririe, you plan appropriate goals to reach your dreams-well done!

Year 5: Riley Foot, you work hard in maths when problem solving-well done! Lola Richardson, you always give 100% regardless of how tricky something is-well done!

Year 6: Logan Addison, your resilience in all tasks is amazing-you are a star! Harley Leadbitter, you persevered through some tricky maths work this week-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Jayden Doran and Kayden Brown amazed this week with their persuasive letters in role as a Mayan Pok-a-tok player asking other players to join his team. They used all of the persuasive features and some excellent vocabulary-Mr Robson was so impressed he wanted to join their team-well done both of you!


This week’s winners are Class 5 with 98% Well done Class 5!


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