Rewards 13th October 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Peter Burt, you worked so well in a team to make a bridge in D&T-well done! Ebony Green, you created a wonderful bridge-it was fantastic!

Year 2: Marley Barrs, you amazed us in PE with your amazing striking and fielding skills-well done! Payge Galer, this is for just being you! You are a fantastic role model and we are very lucky to have you! Destiny Parkin, you have had an amazing, cheerful and hard working week in school, well done!

Year 3: Ronnie Green, you are impressing us in all lessons-we are so proud-well done! Harper Ditch, your enthusiasm and questions during our volcanoes lesson was amazing-well done! Stevie-Jo Ross, you are so lovely and a great friend to everyone-keep being you!

Year 4: Robbie Moore, your effort and enthusiasm in history has been wonderful-you think like a historian! Steven Doran, your skills and enthusiasm in hockey was amazing and you were a wonderful referee too-well done!

Year 5: Mason Loades, for being so lovely and caring towards your friend who was upset. what a wonderful role model! Olivia Kennedy, your amazing problem solving in maths. We were so impressed by your approach.

Year 6: Faith Davies, you have been an absolute superstar and are constantly impressing us-well done! Lacey Clark, your non-chronological report about a three-toed sloth was wonderful-well done! Yousef Hejazy, your effort and enthusiasm in music has been amazing-well done!


This week’s focus was to choose to follow the learning charter. We have looked at rules, responsibilities, rewards and consequences this week and we had some excellent discussions about what happens when we all choose to follow the rules-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Jafar Zamel, you always follow the rules and are a star! Emily Nguyen, you are amazing and always follow our rules-well done!

Year 2: Gracie-Jay Forster, you always follow the rules and are a star! Nylah Foot, you always make the right choices-well done!

Year 3: Mariya Elsayed, you always follow the rules and behave beautifully-well done! Layla Newton, you are a great role model to others-well done! Daisy Towle, you always make the right choices-keep being a star!

Year 4: Evah Dixon, you are always responsible and mature and are a fantastic role model-well done! Finley Broome-Letson, you are trying so hard to make the right choices-well done!

Year 5: Jesse Richardson, you are a wonderful role model to your peers! Carly Bewick, you always put 100% into everything and are a good role model to your peers.

Year 6: Jayden Tumwijukye, you are a star pupil who is always amazing-well done! Katie Roberts, you are simply amazing and a credit to our school-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

The year 6 children organised a wonderful Hello Yellow day this week to raise money for the charity, Mind-well done all of you!


This week’s winners are Class…


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