Rewards 14th June 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Oliver Spurs, your art work of ‘Two Crabs’ in the style of Vincent Van Gogh was amazing-well done! Emily Nguyen, your art work was also incredible and you have an excellent eye for detail-well done!

Year 2: Charlie Edmonds, you are growing in confdence and shining every day-we are so proud of you! Rocco Foot, you have been trying your best in all lessons-well done! Oluwatimilehin Ogunleye, your sentences that included adverbs this week were wonderful-well done!

Year 3: Connor Smith, you are an all round superstar and we are so proud of you-well done! Maddox Ellison, you are determined and don’t give up in PE-this is a great skill to have-well done! Emmy Eve Bell, you have had a first faboulor week back at school and were especially excellent in swimming-well done!

Year 4: Paris Wiseman, your diary entry in role as Macbeth was amazing! So very well written-well done! Lailah Aboulenour, your maths work has been excellent this week-well done!

Year 5: Sonny Robins, your work in maths this week was excellent and you also helped others who were stuck-well done! Kai Johnson, your wonderful reading aloud in class was amazing-well done!

Year 6: Lucas Hubbert, your contributions and knowledge in geography was amazing this week-well done!

Our school football team have massively impressed this week. Your sportsmanship, effort and resilience in your matches last night was amazing and we are all so very proud of you-well done!

This week’s winners are Class 9 with 96.3% Well done Class 9!

This week’s winner is Isabella Smith in Reception for always helping and supporting her friends outside-well done Isabella!


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