Rewards 14th May 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Marshall Richardson, you have tried your best at everything you have done this week. We are so impressed with the efforts you have made with your handwriting! Well done Marshall! Lily Lawson, this is for just being you! You are always kind and caring and you always try your best in every lesson-well done Lily!

Year 2: Jack Geeson, this is for having pride in your literacy work this week, we are so proud of how hard you have worked on your handwriting-it was beautiful-well done, Jack! Sophia McDade, your continued effort to complete tasks this week has impressed us all! Keep it up as we are so proud!

Year 3: Lucas Dawson, this is for your brilliant reading this week. You have moved into a new RWI group and really tried your best-what a star! Lucas Hubbert, this is for fantastic subject knowledge and trying very hard with your presentation-well done, Lucas!

Year 4: Jessica Callaghan, this is for trying very hard in literacy-you are starting to believe in yourself and it is wonderful to see! Evie Harrison, this is for putting 100% effort in everything you do! You are an amazing young lady! Logan Foot, you have tried your heart out in maths this week-you are a star!

Year 5: Connie Murphy, this is for making an effort with your brilliant homework-you are a true role model! Caitlin Thompson, this certificate is for drawing a very impressive Viking Warrior in art this week-you are a star! Alanah Drennan, your fantastic recall of events during the Viking and Anglo Saxon struggle for Britain has earned you this certificate-well done and keep it up! Johnjoe McKinnell, this is for putting so much effort into your history lessons this week-you absolute star! Year 5 Swimmers-this is because you have made us all proud with your effort, attitude and enthusiasm at swimming-keep it up! The whole of Year 5, this is for your super work in music. You have certainly shown us what you can achieve when you work as a team-well done everyone!

Year 6: Mia Allan, you have tried really hard with your homework this week and this shows us what an independent learner you are becoming-well done! Corey Reynolds, this is for your your amazing additions to our discussions about The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas-well done, Corey-keep it up! Masie Proctor, you have worked hard on improving your handwriting this week-you are brilliant-well done!

Digital Camera


This week’s Jigsaw focus was to know how to help yourself and others when feeling upset. Again, we are very good at this and it was so hard again to choose our winners!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Evah Dixon, you always do the right thing when your friends are feeling sad-well done, Evah! Lola Smith, you certainly know how to help your friends when they are sad too and we are so proud!

Year 2: Rochelle Anderson, you are fantastic at giving hugs to your friends to help them feel better-what a lovely thing to do Rochelle, thank you! Elzbieta Nayir, you give amazing compliments to help make people feel better-well done you superstar!

Year 3: Aamari Armstrong, you are always there to listen to your friends and comfort them-well done Aamari! Aryanna Kyriakides, you are great at recognising when your friends are upset and you try hard to cheer them up-thank you and well done!

Year 4: Lily Rain, you have such a big heart and look after everyone-well done Lily! Mia Jarvis, you are so kind and caring and you go out of your way to look after everyone-thank you Mia! Lucas Jarvis, you are such a kind and considerate young man and we are very lucky to have you!

Year 5: Ruby Bell, you are such a kind and caring friend and you love to help others-well done, Ruby! Tiffany Luckham, you have a heart of gold and are always such a supportive and kind friend-well done, Tiffany!

Year 6: Ruby Beattie, you seek advice for your friends when they are upset-this is a very responsible thing to do, well done Ruby! Jay Corbett, you can ask a teacher for support when you’re feeling upset-what a sensible thing to do-well done Jay! Emily Rain, you made really good choices this week and told someone when you were upset-well done, Emily!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

We have given Mr Robson another run for his money this week-the smile on his face was huge! But a big shout out today to Lilley Addison for achieving her pen license this week-you have tried so hard to get it and the smile on your face was epic! Well done, Lilley!


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