Rewards 14th October 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Mmashinachi Abasirim, you have had a lovely week and have made great choices-well done, Mmashinachi! Madison Rose Hall, you have worked so hard this week and your listening skills have been super-well done, Madison!

Year 2: Spencer King, you have had an amazing attitude to your work this week and showed resilience when coming to school-well done, Spencer! Adam Alderi, your knowledge about the Great Fire of London was amazing-well done, Adam! Emily Cruickshanks, your explanations in our maths lessons was fantastic-well done, Emily!

Year 3: Gracie McBride, your comparison of life in the Stone Age to modern day was amazing-well done, Gracie! Lucas Brown, your enthusiasm towards our new topic has been amazing-well done, Lucas!

Year 4: Sonny Robins, your canopic jar was fantastic because of the amount of effort you put into it-well done, Sonny! Carley Bewick, your canopic jar with the head of Qebhsenef was brilliant and all independent too-well done, Carly!

Year 5: Dalton King, you have had a great week and have been a pleasure to have in class-well done, Dalton! Alisha Drinkald, your mystery and suspense writing in literacy this week was amazing-well done, Alisha!

Year 6: Stephen Carter, your effort in geography this week when looking at climate zones was wonderful-well done, Stephen! Frazer Brown, the improvements in your handwriting this week have been amazing-keep it up you star!


This week’s focus was to choose to follow the learning charter. Most of us follow the rules at all times and we had wonderful ideas in lessons this week about what happens when we do and don’t-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Bella Stead, you are a great role model and always follow the rules-well done, Bella! Nyah-Lee Wright, you always follow the rules, you are a star!

Year 2: Adam Oliver, you work so hard to make our classroom a better place-well done, Adam! Layla Newton, you always make the right choices-well done, Layla! Lilly Mae Robins, you follow all rules in school-you are a fantastic role model-well done, Lilly!

Year 3: Evah Dixon, you are a fantastic role model in year 3-well done, Evah! April Williams, you have great listening ears and magnet eyes in all lessons-well done, April!

Year 4: Amelia Anderson, you are an amazing role model at all times-well done, Amelia! Olivia Kennedy, you always follow the rules in school and are a star-well done, Olivia!

Year 5: Jenny Fenwick, you are such a thoughtful and well-behaved young lady-well done, Jenny! Dzeika Barkevica, you are such a positive role model in school-well done, Dzeika!

Year 6: Kenzie Phillips, you always follow the charter and are brilliant everywhere in school-well done, Kenzie! Molly Skinner, you are a fantastic role model and always set a wonderful example for others-well done, Molly!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Kaden Brown in year 6 massively impressed this week with his persuasive letter to be a pirate-it was wonderful Kaden, well done!


This week’s winners are Class 6 with 100% Well done Class 6!


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