Rewards 15th January 2021

This week’s merit certificates for children attending school this week are awarded to…

Nursey: Deacon Templeton-you have impressed your teachers this week as you have tried so hard with everything-well done Deacon!

Reception: Lorii Quinn, you are star of the week this week for your amazing drama when acting out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears-well done Lorii!

Key Stage 1: Keeron Roberts, you are star of the week for your fabulous story writing ideas about The Magic Key! You are a superstar Keeron!

Year 3: Leah Reynolds, you have had a fantastic attitude towards your reading this week and you are trying very hard to use expression and everyone is so proud of you-well done, Leah!

Year 4: Jae Gladstone, you have worked so well in literacy this week and your handwriting has been beautiful-fab effort Jae! Blake Birch, your super maths work where you were identifying the value of digits in numbers really impressed everyone this week-we are all so proud-well done! Corey Clark, you have impressed everyone this week with your great inference skills and empathy in your reading this week-it was amazing-well done, Corey! Jessica Callaghan, you have earned this certificate this week for your excellent perseverance in maths-you never gave up and it was amazing! Well done Jessica!

Year 5: Oliver Dennis, your work in maths with your shape work has earned you this certificate this week-well done and keep it up-everyone is so proud of you!

Year 6: Mark Taylor, you have impressed everyone this week with your amazing work and effort-well done Mark!

This week’s home learning certificates have been awarded to…

Nursery: Lily Coates, you have had an amazing week of home learning this week and everyone in school is super proud-well done Lily!

Reception: Kye Barker-Robbins, you have earned this certificate for completing phonics and maths everyday-well done and keep it up!

Key Stage 1: Sianna Middleton, this certificate is for your continued effort when completing your home learning tasks-everyone in school is so proud of you-well done! Finley Broome-Letson, you have tried your very best every day and your work is so beautifully presented-keep it up-well done Finley!

Year 3: Aamari Armstrong, everyone in school is so proud that you have completed your maths home learning fantastically and you have never given up when completing your work on 5’s-well done! Luke Stothard, you have earned this certificate for your fantastic attitude towards your home learning and completing all of your tasks-keep it up, you have made everyone proud!

Year 4: Lucas Jarvis, you have earned your certificate this week for the fantastic efforts you have made with your home learning again this week-you are an absolute superstar-keep it up! Alora Wilson, you have impressed everyone with the extremely high standard of your home learning-it has been outstanding and a pleasure to look at-well done! Lainey-Rae Brett, your effort with your home learning has earned you this certificate this week-your work is amazing and so well thought-out, it has been an absolute joy to read! Well done you home learning heroes!

Here is Mia Jarvis (and Fudge the puppy). Mia was the Year 4 home learning certificate winner last week and she was so proud to receive her certificate in the post-well done again Mia, you have made us so proud and massively happy to see you and Fudge celebrate your achievement!

Year 5: Vincent Gowland, the sheer amount of work in so many different subjects has earned you (and mam) your certificate this week-it is always a pleasure for everyone in school to see what you have all been up to this week-you are amazing!


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