Rewards 15th September 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Miles McBurnie, your geography knowledge about the countries of the UK has been amazing-well done, Miles! Nylah Foot, you are an excellent role model to your friends, well done, Nylah!

Year 2: Birsen Askoy, you are a number whizz and your maths work has been amazing this week-well done, Birsen! Harvey-Lee Stobbart, you have had a wonderful week in maths-well done for using numbers to 100 in lots of different ways-well done, Harvey-Lee! Holden Wilson, you always make the right choices-you are an absolute star!

Year 3: Class 8, you were all amazing in your first swimming lesson-well done all of you! Keeron Roberts, your effort and attitude this week in literacy have been wonderful-well done, Keeron!

Year 4: Siana Middleton, you have made a fantastic start to literacy in year 4; you always show 100% effort-you are a star! Amelia Anderson, your shading techniques in art were fabulous-you chose the appropriate pencils for the different textures too-well done!

Year 5: Bryony Anderson, this is for simply being you! There is nothing that you haven’t put 100% effort into since you started year 5-well done, Bryony!

Year 6: Logan Percy, you have had a wonderful start to year 6-you are a true role model and you always make us smile! Logan Crooks, you have worked so hard in maths this week-your enthusiasm has been amazing! Daniel Smith, you have been wonderful in all lessons-we are so lucky to have you in our school!


This week’s Jigsaw focus was to make our community a better place. We have all discussed how this is our school AND wider community and we had some excellent ways everywhere can be better!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Lilah Haddock, you look after our classroom, both inside and out and set a wonderful example to others-well done, Lilah! Lily-Rose Harding, you are a role model to everyone in year 1-well done, Lily-Rose!

Year 2: Oleado Abasirum, you always help to keep the classroom neat and tidy-thank you, Oleado! Harper Ditch, you are thinking how to be a year 2 role model-well done, Harper! Kira Richardson, you helped the dinner staff tidy all of the rubbish on the yard-thank you, Kira!

Year 3: Lola Smith, you always look after our school equipment-well done, Lola! Broden Newton, you are such a kind and considerate member of our school; you are a true role model!

Year 4: Conal Murphy, you discussed great ways we can improve the community-well done, Conal! Mason Loades, you are so kind and caring to everyone-thank you Mason! Dahla Appleby, you are always a kind and helpful young lady-well done, Dahla!

Year 5: Aamari Armstrong, you always help keep our classroom spotless-thank you Aamari!

Year 6: Mia Jarvis, you are always kind, caring and considerate-you are a star! Well done, Mia! Casey Brown, you make our community better by simply being you! You are wonderful! Kasey Ann Swalwell, you always tidy and look after our equipment-thank you Kasey!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

What a wonderful week Mr Robson has had-he is so proud of year 3 after their first swimming lesson; you all represented our school beautifully and tried so hard that the instructors were impressed-well done swimmers! Isaac Powell and Theon Luckham were amazing sports leaders in their first session with the younger children in school; you both were so supportive and were amazing role models-well done Isaac and Theon!


This weeks winners are Class 5 and Class 14 with 99% Well done all of you!


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