Rewards 16th April 2021

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: The whole of year 1 have earned a certificate this week for making Mrs Magrath’s first week at Southwick amazing! Well done everyone!

Year 2: Isaac Brown, this certificate is for your wonderful work on adjectives this week. You blew us away with all of your fantastic ideas-keep it up! Tommy Lusby, your outstanding attitude and effort in maths this week has been fantastic-you have been a ‘Ninja’ addition Superstar! Well done boys!

Year 3: Faith Davies, your brilliant enthusiasm for our Romans topic has been amazing-we are so proud of all the research you did at home too-well done, Faith! Harley Jeffrey, your amazing effort with your handwriting and presentation has been wonderful this week-you are a star! Well done year 3!

Year 4: Amy Flood, you have been outstanding in history this week and handled and discussed the Ancient Egyptian artifacts like an Egyptologist! Well done, Amy! Kenzie Phillips, you have made everyone smile this week with your amazing happy attitude-thank you for simply being you! Alayna McKinnell, this certificate is for your excellent effort in yoga-especially the Eagle Pose-you are amazing! Leah Nicholson, you have been an excellent reader to Bayley and Lexie this week-you really are a great friend-well done! Well done, year 4!

Year 5: Bailey Hall, this certificate is for writing some amazing descriptive sentences in literacy-we are so proud-keep it up! Connie Murphy, this is for never giving up with your short multiplication this week-you really pushed yourself you absolute super star! Amber Hopper, this is for putting 100% effort into your maths lessons this week-you tried so hard and were amazing-well done Amber! Mrs Beresford and Miss Forster’s literacy group-you have all earned a certificate for your fantastic drama work this week-we were all so impressed-keep it up everyone!

Year 6: Youseff El-Asri, this is for trying really hard with both your Spanish and topic work this week-you are amazing-well done! Lucas Cromack, you have excelled in your maths this week and you have made excellent progress in reading too-what an amazing effort Lucas! Ruby Beattie, you have been fabulous in maths-we love how you have challenged yourself all week in algebra-well done, Ruby! India Beattie, this is for working extra hard in maths this week. You can now tell the time and you are even able to help other people now too-amazing effort India, well done and well done year 6!


This week’s Jigsaw focus was all about how to make friends. We were all absolutely amazing and we all had amazing ideas-no wonder we are all so happy in school!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Joe Armstrong, you have clearly demonstrated you know how to make friends and you have played with your friends beautifully this week on the yard-well done! April Williams, you have received this certificate because you are always so kind and friendly to everyone in school-what a lovely girl you are April-well done!

Year 2: Neeve Conlon, you are a fabulous friend to everyone and know the qualities that make a good friend too-thank you for sharing your ideas with us Neeve, well done! Carly Bewick, you have received your certificate because you always ensure everyone has someone to play with at break-well done Carly, you are a star!

Year 3: Leah Reynolds, you are a lovely friend and you are kind to everyone and make sure they are included-thank you for being a lovely member of our school! Isabella Dickinson, you always make others smile and you invite them to take part in activities too-you are a kind and supportive member of our school-well done Isabella!

Year 4: Deacon Stokell, you certainly know how to make friends and you always make sure everyone has someone to play with-you are an absolute star with a heart of gold-well done! Usha Quinn-Tayo, you always look after your friends when they need you to-you are so kind and considerate-well done, Usha! Clayton Sewell, you have received your certificate because you are a thoughtful and caring friend to everyone-well done Clayton!

Year 5: Jayden Docherty, you have received your certificate as you always use kind words when playing with your friends-well done! Cailtlin Thompson, you are a kind and caring friend and you love to help others-you are a star! Blake McLaughlin, you have earned this certificate for being such a good friend to all of your peers-you have such a caring attitude, Blake, well done!

Year 6: Emily Rain, you are lovely to everyone at all times-you are a true friend and we are very proud! Aiden Scrafton, you are ALWAYS kind, caring and considerate to EVERYONE-thanks Aiden, you’re a star! Layla Nilsson, you know how to make friends and you are always kind, caring and thoughtful to everyone-you are a friend in the truest sense of the word! Well done everyone!


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