Rewards 16th February 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Ivy Neal, you have had a fantastic week and have followed all ofour school rules-well done, Ivy! Rio Spencer, you have shown real improvement when following instructions and have had a great week-well done, Rio!

Year 2: Annabelle Wrathall, you have been a fantastic reader in school and at home-well done! Adalyn Forster, you have such a fantastic attitude to your reading-well done! Renesmee Burlinson, you created a lovely e-book about explorers on Purple Mash-you are a star!

Year 3: Dante McHenry, you have been like a human calculator and shown massive improvements in your recall of times tables-well done! Ayla Pennock, you always take pride in your work and give 100% You are a fantastic role model-well done! Year 3, you welcome Mrs Mahone back beautifully and gave her a great first impression-well done!

Year 4: Paris Wiseman, your maths and sewing have been amazing-you are a star! Mia Pearson, your sewing and applique was wonderful and you we=orked so hard to practise all of the skills you had learned-well done!

Year 5: Mason Loades, you tried so hard with long multiplication-keep going as you’re doing so well! Well done! Carly Bewick, for just being you! You always have a smile on your face and are the first to offer help. You Star!

Year 6: Harry Arnold, you were so enthusiastic about our writing on Rain Player and even wrote a sequel in your own time-well done, Harry!

This week’s focus was to work hard to achieve your own dreams and goals and we had some excellent discussions this week about the reasons we may become demotivated and things we can do to stay on track-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Taylor Ditch, you always try your best in phonics-well done! Brian Awenlimobor, you have shown real determination to make your writing beautiful-well done!

Year 2: Payge Galer, you have worked so hard to use your phonics to improve your writing-well done! Zoe Oghenovo, you work with your friends to help them to achieve too-well done! Darci-Mae Lee, you always try your best in everything you do-you are a star!

Year 3: CJ Stubbs, you never gave up when making your clay plant pot-well done! Birsen Askoy, you stayed motivated when you found tennis tricky-well done! Miles McBurnie, you created an excellent clay plant pot all by yourself-well done!

Year 4: All of Year 4, you have all stayed motivated and made excellent progress in swimming-you are all amazing! Well done, Year 4!

Year 5: Jesse Richardson, you always put 100% into all of your work! Well done! Lukas Lawson Sykes, you always put 100% into everything into everything you do. Well done!

Year 6: Calum Kennedy, you always work hard to reach your full potential-well done!

Mr Robson was so impressed in our RE festivals assembly-everyone who got up to show their work and speak to the whole school was incredibly brave and you were all wonderful! Year 4 and 3 swimmers have massively impressed this half term too and you have all been wonderful ambassadors for our school-well done!

This week’s winners are Class 7 with 97.2% Well ddone al of you!


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