Rewards 17th November 2022

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Daniel Ilori, your RWI reading has been amazing this week-well done! Esamay Stobbart, excellent segmenting and blending of green words in RWI-well done, Esamay!

Year 2: Sofia Ball, your Pointillism flame in art was fabulous! Well done, Sofia! Joe Scott, you did extra homework this week and it was fabulous! Well done, Joe! Asiah Newton, you made a lovely model of The Great Fire of London at home-well done, Asiah! Spencer King, your effort and contributions in RWI this week have been great-well done, Spencer!

Year 3: Marshall Richardson, you have improved your presentation and worked really hard in RWI-well done! Nour, your effort during music this week was amazing-you played the glockenspiel beautifully-well done!

Year 4: Olivia Kennedy, you were a brilliant partner when creating Satnav instructions to get Jordan Henderson to Quatar! Neeve Conlon, you are amazing when playing the Glockenspiel-well done!

Year 5: Benjamin Nicholson, you were a super detective in history this week and you discovered a lot about the past-well done! Daniel Ishola, your effort in maths this week has been amazing-keep it up!

Year 6: Logan Storey, you were amazing when drawing and colouring your rainforest animal-well done! Jasmine Doughty, your art work this week was outstanding and we can’t wait to see your work in a gallery when you’re older-well done! Casey Brown, your attitude and enthusiasm in all lessons is mazing-you are amazing!


This week’s focus was to know how to help if someone is being bullied. We had some excellent discussions this week and everyone was very sensible and helpful-well done!

This week’s certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Harper Harrison, you always offer a kind word and a helping hand-well done! Lucas Jones, you shared amazing answers in our reach out discussions-well done!

Year 2: Kira Richardson, you always tell an adult if your friends are in the blue zone-well done! Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you always reach out if you see someone in trouble-well done! C J Stubbs, you are so sensible and such a good friend-well done!

Year 3: Lola Smith, you are always a kind friend to everyone! Well done, Lola! Sarah Turnbull, you are always a friend that everyone can rely on-well done!

Year 4: Rio Archer, you are a kind, considerate and friendly boy-well done! Mason Loades, you always seek help from an adult if a friend needs it-well done!

Year 5: Larna Scott, you know who can help if you or others need support-well done! Zachary Clark, you are always a lovely friend to everyone-well done!

Year 6: Grace Wallace, you know to speak to an adult if you’re worried-well done, Grace! Logan Crooks, you are a kind and caring friend who always looks out for others-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Logan Storey has massively impressed this week with his art on a rainforest animal-we thought it was a photograph-well done Logan! Miles McBurnie’s manners in the dinner hall were also noticed this week-you are such a kind and respectful person-well done!


This week’s winners are Class 8 with 98% Well done Class 8!


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