Rewards 17th November 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Afolabi Bakare, your retell of The Little Red Hen was wonderful-well done! Maour Afzali, you have had an amazing start to our school and we are so lucky to have you-well done!

Year 2: Deacon Templeton, your understanding of 3D shapes and repeating patterns was amazing-well done! Aliyah Dempster, you have had a lovely week exploring pointilism with different materials-well done!Jenson McCririe, you did an amazing autum leaf using pointilism-well done!

Year 3: Lilly Mae Robins, your homework of a WWI diary was amazing-you are a star! Freya Rainton, your dedication and resilience in reading has been amazing-well done! Leonard, you are a fantstic new addition to our school and you have impressed us already with your impeccible manners-well done! Emily Cruickshanks, you always put 100% effort into PE lessons and were a great help when Miss forgot the dance moves-well done! Louie Clark, your effort towards reading has been amazing-you are a star!

Year 4: Keeron Roberts, you have been an amazing scientist and created excellent working switches with great diagrams too-well done! Ivan Glover, your dancing in PE was wonderful and you were a brilliant and supportive teacher to those who struggled-thank you!

Year 5: Michael Graham, you remembered so much about WWII and how it started-well done! Rochelle Anderson, you are trying so hard in all lessons and are becoming so independent-well done!

Year 6: Calum Kennedy, you are a wonderful mathematitian and are amazing at problem solving-well done! Jack Patterson, your contributions ad responses when reading The Last Post were wonderful-well done!


This week’s focus was to know how to help if someone is being bullied. We had some excellent suggestions and we also clarified what bullying was-well done everyone!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have een awarded to…

Year 1: Iyla Bates Whitfield, you were so supportive when your friend was upset-well done! Milly-May Nicholson, you make sure your friends know who can help if they need support-well done!

Year 2: Renesmee Burlinson, you ask for help from a grown up when needed-well done! Nylah Foot, you are a kind and helpful friend to everyone-well done! Kitan Bakare, you always try your best to help your friends-well done!

Year 3: Stevie-Jo, you could clearly explain how you’d help others-well done! Freya Rainton, you could explain to others how to help a friend-well done! Birsen Askoy, you could explain how to help someone being bullied-well done!

Year 4: Mercy Osho, you are so kind and considerate to everyone-well done! Fraser McLaughlin, you look after everyone at all times-well done!

Year 5: Neeve Conlon, you seek adult support when someone is upset-well done! Kai Johnson, you shared great advice in our class discussions-well done!

Year 6: Henry Gowland, you are kind, caring and comassionate young man who always looks out for others-well done! Faith Davies, you can talk to a member of staff if you’re worried about anyone-well done!

Head Teacher Shout Out!

Cason Stubbs, Brian Awenlimobor and Afolabi Bakare all massively impressed with their excellent writing this week-your work was amazing boys-well done!


This week’s winners are Class…


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