Rewards 18th December 2023

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Sofia Binkl, you have been an amazing role model to everyone-you are an asset to year 1-well done! Dakota Ann Lee, this is for just being you! You are an amazing role model in our school-well done!

Year 2: All of Class 7, 5 and 6, your performance in your Nativity was amazing and we are so proud of you-well done!

Year 3: Dante McHenry, the improvements in your attitude and behaviour have been wonderful-well done! Louie Clark, you have been a great class helper and really take care of our equipment-you are a star-well done!

Year 4: All of Year 4, you were amazing on our trip to the pantomime and brilliant ambassadors for our school-well done! Lucas Brown, your effort, attitude and behaviour are always wonderful-you are a star!

Year 5: Mrs Barker’s Literacy Group, you wrote some amazing poems in role as a soldier, we were so impressed-well done! AJ Harrison, you always try your best in everything you do-keep it up!

Year 6: Alisha Drinkald, you have been amazing in every maths lesson and have been a great help to your peers too-well done! Lucas Hubbert, your effort and enthusiasm in our singing square performance was amazing-well done!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Peculiar Oloko, you always go out of your way to make others happy-well done! Isaac Watson, you always show kindness and respect and fill buckets-well done!

Year 2: Effy Richardson, you complimented everyone this term-well done! Nylah Foot, you always use kind words and make people smile-well done!

Year 3: Olaedo, you always make people smile with your kind words-well done! Faith Watson, you give compliments to make people feel good-well done!

Year 4: Farida and Layla Abouelnour, you are both so kind and considerate and always make others feel good-well done!

Year 5: Kai Johnson, you are such a kind and thoughtful member of our class-well done! Harry Brown, you complimented Layad on his literacy work-well done!

Year 6: Harley Jeffrey, you are a kind and caring friend who loves to help others-well done!

Choir massively impressed with their beautiful singing at Tesco and at Hylton View Care Home-you were all wonderful! All of KS2 went to a panto (oh yes they did!) and were brilliant ambassadors for our school-well done all of you!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and wish you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous and safe new year. We will see you all on Monday the 8th of January 2024!


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