Rewards 18th February 2022

This week’s Merit certificates have been awarded to…

EYFS: The Lion group, you are all so caring towards your friends and always thinking carefully about how we can make people feel happy. The Elephant group, you all use kind words and give lovely compliments to your friends. We are very proud !The Giraffe group, for always using your kind hands and looking after each other. Well done Giraffes! The Zebra group, for always treating your friends with kindness and using your beautiful manners. Well done !

Year 1: Birsen Aksoy, you have had a fantastic week in science and your boat was brilliant! Well done, Birsen! Sofia Ball, your science vocabulary when testing materials was fantastic! Well done, Sofia! Maddison Curry, your work calculating number bonds has been fantastic! Well done, Maddison!

Year 2: Samuel Burlinson, your handwriting has massively improved and is looking beautiful! Well done, Sam! Lucas Brown, you have tried so hard to include adjectives in your writing! Well done, Lucas! Dance Club, you have all been amazing every single week and we are so proud! Well done all of you!

Year 3: Rochelle Anderson, this is for just being you! Seeing your smile brightens everyone’s day and your confidence levels are soaring! Well done, Rochelle! Dahla Appleby, your resilience in maths this week has been great; you are challenging yourself to achieve more each day! Well done, Dahla!

Year 4: Dalton King, you have a great attitude towards your literacy work and the effort you put into your story was amazing! Well done, Dalton! Aryanna Kyriakides, this is for your amazing effort, enthusiasm and skill in handball-you were fantastic!

Year 5: Clayton Sewell, you are so kind and have been a great friend to others-thank you Clayton! Kenzie Phillips, your teamwork in handball was amazing-you really supported and encouraged your team! Well done, Kenzie! Lexie Johnson, You always make everyone in school smile by just being you! Thank you Lexie!

Year 6: Abigail Luckham, your consistent hard work and brilliant attitude in maths makes us all so proud! Well done, Abigail! Mrs Watson’s Maths Set, you have all worked so hard all week-you are all amazing! Miss Hetherington’s Literacy Group, you have all worked so hard every single lesson and have all had an amazing term! Lacey McCully, you are a credit to yourself and our school; you are a true role model! Well done, Lacey!


This week’s focus was to work hard to achieve your own dreams and goals-we are hard working and resilient and it was so hard to choose our certificate winners this week!

This week’s Jigsaw certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Louie Tench, you have listened so carefully to our new set 2 sounds to improve even further-well done, Louie! Adam Alderi, you were so proud of yourself when you read your first book-what an achievement-well done Adam! Ayla Pennock, you showed determination when building a waterproof boat for the 3 Billy Goats! Well done, Ayla!

Year 2: Frankie Mason, you have worked so hard to achieve your maths goal this week in subtraction! Well done, Frankie! Robbie Moore, you followed instructions beautifully and tried your very best to create an amazing finch drawing-well done, Frankie!

Year 3: Ella Jenkins, you always give 100% in your home learning challenges and inspire us all! Well done, Ella! Neeve Conlon, you have been a reading machine and achieved your goal of moving onto yellow books! Well done, Neeve!

Year 4: Amelia Longstaff, you have chosen great goals and you are trying so very hard to achieve them! Well done! Katie Roberts, you always give 100% in everything you do and you make us all so proud!

Year 5: Jessica Callaghan, you worked so hard when playing handball and impressed all of the coaches! Well done, Jessica! Mia Jarvis, you always put 100% into everything you do and your art has been amazing as a result this week! Well done, Mia! Stephen Carter, you put your mind to anything and always give your best-you are a star! Well done, Stephen!

Year 6: Ahmed Alderi, you always challenge yourself in literacy and your progress is amazing! Kadie Wilson, you ensure you keep learning with no distractions-keep it up-we are proud!

Head teacher Shout Out!

Mr Robson has had another fantastic week thank to everyone in Southwick Primary! He has been hounded by year 6 who are so proud of their work a lot this week. Amber Hopper‘s character description of Bess from The Highwayman blew his socks off-well done, Amber! Chanelle Hall has made it onto his HT shout out page for the second week in a row with her character description of Pik from Rain Player; her use of metaphor and simile made it so engaging and descriptive-well done, Chanelle! Lily McCririe‘s fraction work also amazed him-what a maths star you are Lily! Kadie Wilson’s non-chronological report in history about the Maya also blew him away-well done, Kadie! What a way to end a half-term!


This week’s winners are Class 1 with 96.8% Well done Class 1!


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