Rewards 19th January 2024

This week’s merit certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Jacob Dixon, you have a super attitude towards your learning-keep it up! Well done! Scott Towle, you have tried really hard to make the right choices and have had a great week-well done!

Year 2: Charlie Edmonds, you are becoming so much more confident when answering questions in lessons-well done! Nyah-Lee Wright, you always try your hardest to answer questions and take part in class discussions-well done! Andre Efejuku, you have had a lovely first week at our school-you have settled in beautifully-well done!

Year 3: Millie Glover, your brilliant attitude and hard work in literacy had been amazing-you are a star! Harvey Stobbart, you have put so much effort into writing in history-keep it up-well done! Kira Richardson, you aways give 100% in all lessons and never give up-you are amazing-well done! Lilly Robins, you have the best attitude and give 100% effort in all lessons and your work in history and literacy has been amazing-well done!

Year 4: Lily Shakesby, you have put huge smiles on all of our faces with your increased attendance-keep it up and well done! Laila Abouelnour, you made a great start to your hero description ad we can’t wait to read the rest-well done!

Year 5: Amelia Anderson, your concentration in art when completing your sketch book was amazing-well done! Maisie McCririe, you have tried so hard with your handwriting this week and it is looking beautiful-well done!

Year 6: Youssef Hejazy, you have been working so hard in our reading and SPAG sessions-keep it up and well done! Aryanna Kyriakides, your passion, enthusiasm and resilience throughout the VEX robotics competition was amazing! Well done!

This week’s focus was to keep trying even when it’s difficult and we have had some wonderful suggestions from everyone this week!

This week’s Jigsaw Certificates have been awarded to…

Year 1: Peculiar Oloko, you put 100% effort into everything you do-well done! Rio Foot, you tried really hard in phonics with segmenting and blending-well done!

Year 2: Deacon Templeton, you tried so hard in maths and didn’t give up-well done! Lucas Jones, you try your hardest and never give up! Well done! Kayden Butler, you have thought about your own choices all week-well done!

Year 3: Jackson Lawson-Sykes, you can discuss dreams and ambitions you may have-well done! Elizabeth Oloyede, you never gave up in tennis when it was tricky-well done! Jack Arnold, you show determination towards achieving your dreams and goals-well done!

Year 4: Lola Smith, you always give 100% and your literacy work is a great example of this-well done! Joe Armstrong, you perervered and built your confidence in order to swim and we are so proud!

Year 5: Michael Graham, you have tried so hard with tricky maths work-well done! Dahla Appleby, you perservered in maths when learning about fractions-well done!

Year 6: Katie Roberts, you always show resilience and never give up-well done!

Lily Shakesby has massively impressed with 2 weeks amazing attendance-well done! Freya Raintonhas been so kind and you have massively impressed too-well done! Steven Doran’s maths blew our socks off this week-you were wonderful-well done! Faith Davies and Hary Arnold have massively impressed in PE-you were amazing partners and very supportive of each other-well done!

This week’s winners are Class 16 with 97% Well done all of you!


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